Стенограмма Нюрнбергского процесса. Том IX.

Sep 23, 2021 19:35

Friday, 22 March 1946
GEN. RUDENKO: If you thought it possible to co-operate with Hitler, do you recognize that, as the second man in Germany, you are responsible for the organizing on a national scale of murders of millions of innocent people, independently of whether you knew about those facts or not? Tell me briefly, "yes" or "no."

GÖRING: No, because I did not know anything about them and did not cause them.
GEN. RUDENKO: I should like to underline again, "whether you were informed of these facts or not."
GÖRING: If I actually do not know them, then I cannot be held responsible for them.
GEN. RUDENKO: It was your duty to know about these facts.
GÖRING: I shall go into that.
GEN. RUDENKO: I am questioning you. Reply to this question: Was it your duty to know about these facts?
GÖRING: In what way my duty? Either I know the fact or I do not know it. You can ask me only whether I was negligent in failing to obtain knowledge.
GEN. RUDENKO: You ought to know yourself better. Millions of Germans knew about the crimes which were being perpetrated, and you did not know about them?
GÖRING: Neither did millions of Germans know about them. That is a statement which has in no way been proved.
GEN.RUDENK0: The last two questions: You stated to the Tribunal that Hitler's Government brought great prosperity to Germany. Are you still sure that that is so?
GÖRING: Definitely until the beginning of the war. The collapse was due only to the war's being lost.
GEN. RUDENKO: As a consequence of which, you brought Germany, as a result of your politics, to military and political destruction. I have no mm-e questions.
THE PRESIDENT: Does the Chief Prosecutor for France wish to cross-examine?
M. AUGUSTE CHAMPETIER DE RIBES (Chief Prosecutor for the French Republic): I ask the Tribunal for permission to make one very short statement to fulfill the desire expressed by the Tribunal and to abbreviate as much as possible the discussions at this Trial. The French Prosecution has come to an agreement with Mr. Justice Jackson and with Sir David that the questions put to the Defendant Göring as a witness should be only those which are considered pertinent.
The questions have been asked and we have heard the answers of the defendant, as far as it was possible to obtain from him anything except propaganda speeches.
I think the Defense will not be able to complain that its freedom has been curtailed. It has been able to use its freedom abundantly in the past 12 sessions without having been able in any way to weaken the Prosecution's overwhelming accusations, without having been noticeably able to convince anyone that the second man in the German Reich was in no way responsible for launching the war or that he knew nothing of the atrocities committed by the men whom he was so proud to command.
THE PRESIDENT: You will no doubt have the opportunity later to comment, but the question that I ask you now is whether you wish to ask the witness definite questions.
M. CHAMPETIER DE RIBES: Mr. President, I have finished; I have said all that I wanted to say, that is to say, after all these long discussions, the French Prosecution feels that nothing has been changed in the crushing accusation which we brought forth. Consequently, I have no further questions to ask the defendant.

Геринг, Руденко, Нюрнбергский Трибунал, Свидетели, Французы

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