Winston S. Churchill by Martin Gilbert Volume VIII Never Despair 1945-1965 (1988)

Jul 21, 2020 10:42

Part Two: In Opposition 1945-1951

11. Virginia, Washington, New York
In the hope of obtaining the most favourable terms possible for Britain, Churchill held a number of further talks with Bernard Baruch. As a result of their discussions, Churchill telegraphed to Attlee on March 19: ‘I do not think he will take any action against the Loan.’ This did not mean, Churchill explained, that Baruch’s opposition to it had changed, ‘but he considers that the Russian situation makes it essential that our countries should stand together. He is of course in full agreement with me on that.’ Indeed, Churchill added, ‘he spoke last night to me in the sense that he might urge that the Loan should be interest-free as a gesture of unity.’

Бернард Барух (а не Уинстон Черчилль, как часто указывается) первым в мире в официальной обстановке употребил термин «холодная война» 16 апреля 1947 года в речи перед палатой представителей Южной Каролины для обозначения конфликта между США и Советским Союзом.Барух,_Бернард

Биография, Холодная война, Портрет, Фотка, Черчилль (Winston S. Churchill), Барух

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