Encyclopedia of Psychology Alan E. Kazdin, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

May 22, 2020 12:24

...Educating the Intelligences
MI was put forth as a psychological theory, not an educational one. but the theory has a number of implications for educational practices. To begin with, it is imperative to view the intelligences as means, not ends.

The first order of business in education is the goal (or end state) that the culture or community deems important: once specified, it becomes possible to analyze the intelligences that are typically involved and to design vehicles for curriculum and assessment that activate them as they serve the end state. For example, the ability to write clearly is a valued skill, and whereas linguistic intelligence is in the forefront, writing also involves logical-mathematical, interpersonal. and intra-personal intelligences. An educational scheme should address all these intelligences, not as goals themselves but as the pillars that support the valued target skill-writing ability. In short, the prudent policy involves teaching through (not for) intelligences.

О. Человек как орудие... а психология как способ...

MUNSTERBERG, HUGO (1863-1916), German American psychologist.

...Munsterberg quickly established a reputation based on his opposition to Wundt’s ideas about voluntary action, arguing that the will was not directly experienced but was the result of the perception of changes in muscles, joints, and tendons.

...and was particularly admired by William James, who had met him in 1889 and whose ideas on the experience of emotion were similar to Munsterberg’s views on the experience of will. James invited him to come to Harvard University for a 3-year appointment to be director of Harvard’s psychology laboratory.

Мюнстерберг, Джемс, encyclopedia of psychology

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