Encyclopedia of Psychology Alan E. Kazdin, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

May 09, 2020 11:57


For many scholars and practitioners, there is no sharp division between physical and mental health, as in many Western psychological and physical approaches.
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Research on People of Color

One of the major shortcomings of research on people of color has been the tendency to compare Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and Asians with Whites as a “comparison group.” Furthermore, Asian Americans and Latinos, and Native Americans in particular, have been ignored in favor of studying African Americans in comparison to Caucasians. In most instances, Whites have been used as a standard by which other groups are measured. Any variation from the “standard” of White behavior is considered deviant, deficient, or inadequate and in need of immediate alteration.

Even after the advent of penicillin, treatment was withheld “in the interest of science.” The experiment lasted for over 40 years, ending in the early 1970s. In 1998, President Bill Clinton offered an official apology to the survivors of the experiment. This study exemplifies the degree to which the lives of people of color can be devalued by researchers.

People who are members of privileged, powerful groups often feel threatened when they learn that their own worldview is not supported by everyone. They sometimes challenge and demand that others accept and realize that their way of life is the “right” and “only way,” and resist any suggestion that another perspective might be different and equally valid.

encyclopedia of psychology

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