Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (1874 - 1965) The Second World War

May 07, 2020 07:36

Volume VI Triumph and Tragedy (1953)
Theme of the Volume How the great democracies triumphed, and so were able to resume the follies which had so nearly cost them their life
BOOK I The Tide of Victory
...In the main these feelings were shared by the United States, but they were very slow in realising the upsurge of Communist influence, which slid on before, as well as followed, the onward march of the mighty armies directed from the Kremlin. I hoped to take advantage of the better relations with the Soviets to reach satisfactory solutions of these new problems opening between East and West.
Besides these grave issues which affected the whole of Central Europe, the questions of World Organisation were now thrusting themselves upon all our minds.

а где же «воля народов»?

The Kremlin had no intention of joining an international body on which they would be out-voted by a host of small Powers, who, though they could not influence the course of the war, would certainly claim equal status in the victory. I felt sure we could only reach good decisions with Russia while we had the comradeship of a common foe as a bond. Hitler and Hitlerism were doomed; but after Hitler what?

Field-Marshal Smuts to Prime Minister 20 Sept 44

Should a World Organisation be formed which does not include Russia she will become the power centre of another group. We shall then be heading towards a third World War.

The Dumbarton Oaks conference ended without agreement, but I felt acutely the need to see Stalin, with whom I always considered one could talk as one human being to another.

прям слезы капают... мальборы, они такие...

I telegraphed to Stalin on the same day:

Prime Minister to Marshal Stalin 27 Sept 44

I was gratified to hear from Ambassador Clark Kerr the praise which you gave to British and American operations in France. We value very much such expressions from the leader of the heroic Russian armies. I shall take occasion to repeat to-morrow in the House of Commons what I have said before, that it is the Russian Army that tore the guts out of the German military machine, and is at the present moment holding by far the larger portion of the enemy on its front.


Вторая мировая война, Черчилль

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