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May 28, 2008 02:25

A blast from the past today. A girl named Brittany who worked at hope street last summer stopped by today. I haven't seen her since she went back to school in Mississauga. She finished up, signed with and agent and has a couple Theatre gigs this year. She also just audition for a lead in an upcoming canstage production. She's a really great person and we tried to keep in touch but she was way to busy with school. I was pleasantly surprised to see her today. She's moving back into the area and was apartment hunting. We went for dinner afterwards to catch up. Spent way too much money this evening and still a little drunk, but it was definitely good times. I love college west, little italy. Great place in the city.
I just can't believe how fucken cold it was today. Yesterday, it was 27 and humid as fuck. They forcasted thunderstorms for the entire day, and it rain for about 10 mins at about 9am and that was it. It was just muggy all day and no fucken rain. I wake up this morning, at its 8 degrees outside, and windy. It warmed up a bit in the afternoon to 16, but it was still too cold for patio action. We tried to sit on a rooftop patio when we went to dinner, but didn't last very long. Hello global warming, got a weather in chaos.
I can't believe we're moving in 4 days. This month has just flown by. I'm excited, and i also just want to get it over with.
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