Due to some rather surprising demand...
"Formative Influences" Dept. :
Electra-Woman and Dyna-Girl versus Ali Baba and his Genie
(brace yourselves - it's cheesier than you might remember)
Part One!
http://www.youtube.com/v/Ue2wPHa-Gn4 (yes, that is "Captain Spaulding" - The Devil's Reject himself,
Sid Haig, as the genie - with former Special Guest Bat-Villain
Malachi Throne as Ali Baba)
Part Two!
(Frank Heflin seems to spend an awful lot of his time
talking to his computer, doesn't he?)
http://www.youtube.com/v/0uYc4FoGJKg Part Three!
"why do you look so strange..?"
"Because she is eeeeeevil!!"
http://www.youtube.com/v/7feYkkApoho Oh yeah.... that's the gooooooood stuff. Like a nice smooth Brie with chives on a Trisckit Cracker.