It's too late and that's too much cheese to deal with this close to bedtime. I made it about 5 minutes in though, and I'll go back for the rest tomorrow. Thanks for posting the link... but I don't usually like to go back and watch stuff I loved as a kid cause it always ends up looking so bad. It's like the time I bought all these Silverhawks DVDs (cause I remembered them being so cool) and I made it through half the first episode before I decided I just had to stop watching. I want to remember these things as being cool. (This is why I will never rewatch the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon or G-Force.)
But thanks!
Might want to stop where you have again, then man.
This is really more of those "Cool In It's Time" things than a "Still Really Cool" sort of thing.
...but, yeah, I think it's safer for my own self-image if I just leave it in my past.
Looking forward to X3 this weekend.
My next post will probably have images of Stan and Claremont's cameos this time around.
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