Well, the Paradise Toronto Comic Con...

May 02, 2006 00:04

... and it's associated benefit show, the Joe Shuster Awards ceremony (that I've been up to my hips in busyness for) are officially done for this year.

I had a Helluva time, and I have some photos to prove it - they come tomorrow.

Back to the madness ASAP, here folks - I now have a ton of goodness to share as well ( PapaJoe hit the cheapie comics bins - and that means everything from the first Monster Cops story by Chip Zdarsky, my all-time favourite Underwear Monster story, to an epic that features what can only be explained as the Harlem Globetrotters being forced to play basketball against a team of grizzly bears... too muuch goodness, kids!)

Extra-special nods and waves to the lovely Colleen (redeem147) for stopping by the Con table and saying "Hi!" too (although I was thrououghlly ZONED at the time and the brain was just NOT working...)!

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