... but I know I wasn't feeling this anxious about the second one...
"The Stuff I Find At Work Online" Dept.:
Fox has released a still from X-Men III: The Last Stand
Yes, from right to left, that's Kelsey Grammer as the Beast, Halle Berry as Storm, our man Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier and some Australian musical comedian as Logan.
Edited in the name of not tossing the baby out with the bathwater:
At least we have cute lil Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde...
...Not only was she good in Season II of Trailer Park Boys, she might have actually read an X-Men comic at some point of her life (which is more than we can say about Ron Howard's daughter as Gwen Stacy next summer...)...
... and Daniel Cudmore back as Piotr Rasputin.
Who still exudes a certain metallic beefcake charm.