just to give you all a little taste so you know how much you miss me

Jul 23, 2004 16:26

Your gender: MALE
Straight/Gay/Bi: im straight
Single?: yeppity
If not, do you want to be?: nope
Birthdate: 06-23-88
Your age: 16
Age you act: Sometiems I act my age, sometimes I don't
Age you wish you were: 16 and one half so i could drive
Your height: six foot I think
Eye color: blue
Happy with it?: I've been told they are very nice
Hair color: light brown
Happy with it?:I like my hair, but when it gets to long it pisses me off
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty
Piercings?: I want to pierce my lip
Tattoos?: none
Obsessions?:I don't have an obsessions, i have interests in things, like I love music and movies, but no real obsessions
Do you speak another language:? I speak french, really abdly though
Have a favorite quote?: " The more you know about yourself and who you are the less you'll let things upset you" -Bill Murray, lost in translation

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: most of the time, sometiems I drift through days and jsut don't realize it
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes, I can get angry at some people but im tolerant
Do you like your handwriting?: it's really messy and manly so it makes me look like a man! SO YEAH
Do you have any bad habits?: a few, i bite my nails and stuff like that
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Mostly a good time
Can you sing?: Im not bad, I have mroe of a lower voice, not many high notes
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?:I like myslef, sometimes I wish I had different things about me other people have, but not to be them
Are you a loner?: No but I can be fine with myself i don't need other people to be happy
What are your #1 priorities in life?: my number one priority is to try and make everyone like me at all times, I don't like when someone doesn't like me or thinks im annoying I try to be friendly above all else, jsut be myslef and hope people like me for it
Are you a daredevil?: sometiems sometihng will scare me or make me nervous but I'll do it, I wouldn't like drive a speeding car into a fireworks shop or anything
Are you passive or agressive?: sometime sIm passive If Im content with my life, but if Im not, I can fucking get mean
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Yes I can deal with a lot, I mena I'll admit it, if something really upsets me, hell I'll cry, but It doesn't mena i can't handle it
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: I regret some stuff, but I mean, everyone is gonna have those
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:I haven't lived it for too long yet, but I think, just be yourself, I mean I love the quotes and songs about that, and i thikn, just being who you are is the best you can do, and if people don't like it, fuck them, other people will love you for it.
What do you like the most about your body?: I like my eyes and my smile, i mena, Im not like full of mysle,f I jsut think they aren't bad
Are you confident?: yes
What is the fictional character you are most like?:I'm like that dude from star trek with the like huge forhead and the giant cranium that is black and has a beard, thats kinda like me
Are you perceived wrongly?: I don't think so
Do drugs?: no
Pray: not really
Talk to people even though you hate them?: i dont hate anyone, some people upset me though
Drive?: not really
Like to drive fast?: i dont yet

Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: it's good sometiems, i like it
Been out of the country?: yep
Gone skinny dipping?: nope
Had a medical emergency?: a couple of time
Had surgery?: yep
Ran away from home?: no
Played strip poker?:I've play proker
Gotten beaten up?: no I've been in fights
Beaten someone up?: I've never beaten the shit out of anyone, but I've thrown punches
Been picked on?: of course
Been on stage?: many times, it's my favorite thing ever
Talked on the phone all night?: yes
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yeah like when I've been at a party and thers no place to sleep
Slept all day?: till about 12
Killed someone?: wtf, no
Made out with a stranger?: no
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Kissed the same sex?: my daddy
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: nope
Been betrayed?: probably
Had a dream that come true?: none yet
Broken the law?:probably I cant think of what
Stolen anything?: like a candy bar
Been on radio/tv?:i think i've been on tv
Been in a mosh-pit?: plenty of times

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: no I think it's actually a great thing
Turn-on?: lots of carrots
Are you in love?: i was
Do you consider your significant other hot?: I wouldn't like to say hot, id say beautiful to ever describe the lady I'll love

Who Was the Last Person...
That you laughed at?: sam when he started to sing some song
To disappoint you?: I don't tihnk anyone ahs lately
To make you cry?: I would probably say this lady in a tape at drivers ed who lost her son to a druink driver and it was sad
To brighten up your day?: sam kauff
That you thought about?: top secret
You saw?: Sam kauff

Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: no im at my house
What are you wearing right now?: Im naked he he he, jking im in like clothes
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: tired, lonely, happy, my eyes are itchy, and kinda sleepy too
Are you lonely or content?: lonely
Are you listening to music?: the chilli peppers song is over
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