I went to see Norbit this evening. Shortly after seeing Eddie Murphy's Oscar nominated performance in Dreamgirls, I was stunned to see a movie poster featuring an afro-sporting, nerdy-looking, frightened Eddie Murphy smothered underneath a zaftig, lingerie-wearing, fiercely-bitchy-looking, dragified Eddie Murphy. I was a little confused and discouraged. If the whole "funny obese woman in drag" thing seemed tired and done-to-death already (by Martin Lawrence too), it was extra troubling to watch Eddie ruining all the good capital he'd earned with Dreamgirls. The poor guy had been stuck in a sick spiral of either a.) crappy family films or b.) badly-written dreck for more than a decade. Bowfinger and Haunted Mansion ring a bell? Then along comes Dreamgirls with a role that brought out the best of his acting and singing talent. One could sense that the film was just as much a comeback for him as it was a breakout for Jennifer Hudson. From Dreamgirls to Norbit... talk about baaaaad timing. Now I really hope he wins that Oscar...if only for the street cred.
This is not to say that Norbit is a complete waste of 1hr/50min. I did laugh genuinely at some parts. Perhaps it would feel less of a waste coming from Netflix rather than at the cinema. But I guess boredom on a Saturday evening will compel one to do some messed up stuff. (Hey, at least I'm spending $7 on a crap movie instead of getting wasted and selling my body for smack or something.)
I've been keeping watch over the development of the Sweeney Todd film. Sources including an ad in Variety mention that principal photography began on Feb 5th. Warner Bros & Dreamworks have also released a promotional poster:
Fierce and to the point. I'm sure more posters will emerge as the release date draws near, but this one is pretty damn good for an early promotion. I have some updates on the cast, which up until now I knew to be: Sweeney Todd -- Johnny Depp; Nellie Lovett -- Helena Bonham Carter; Adolfo Pirelli -- Sacha Baron Cohen. Now it's looking like Alan Rickman (Harry Potter movies) for Judge Turpin, Laura Michelle Kelly for "Lucy" (though IMDB.com should really refer to her as "Beggar Woman" if they don't want to spoil a MAJOR plot element), plus british actors Timothy Spall (rumored for Beadle Bamford), Christopher Lee (role unknown; thought he'd be the Judge) and Anthony Head (role unknown...though I don't think he's young enough for Anthony...Jonas Fogg maybe?). I'm surprised there isn't more information available, given that principal photography just began. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out the castings of Tobias/Anthony/Johanna.
In other news...I would like to apologize for my "tenor-factory" comment in my last entry. That term initialized as a joke which I didn't start...but that doesn't change the fact that I used it. John's a great teacher, and I unfortunately take that for granted sometimes. Someone please slap me upside the head or verbally thrash me whenever I seem to be taking this (or any other good thing) for granted. I'm serious.