friday humor - i got nothing

Aug 18, 2011 20:55

insert your own joke.

it seems the talking heads think the world has gone to hell. flash mobs are having their right to assemble taken from them. people are dying and the videos keep on coming. we celebrate deaths of celebrities. the ten year anniversary of the attack on the pentagon is almost upon us. the stock market is in a mess. primaries for an election still distant are front page news. the bills are about to play football.

there are many things on the balance sheet that cancel most of those out, but i'm still barely back from seattle/victoria and i had so much fun and such a wonderful time that i can't think of anything but the positives of life.

humor doesn't work off of positives. it works off of exaggerations. when you no longer can exaggerate things, you have the hangover, part 2. i cannot relate.

so this week, think of something funny, smile, laugh a little, and keep it to yourself. let it carry you through the next round of bullshit.

happy friday.

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