lets walk,

Aug 22, 2010 22:19

Tommorow starts yet another fall semester and my third year here
So much has changed but thankfully so much has stayed the same. I have a new work schedul (sp) whcih I like beacuse it means if I want a day off some one will actually pic up my fucking shift! I'm also going into my most academicly challenging semester so far taking college algebra and microeconomics at the same time and trust me I'm the first and I do mean the FIRST! To admit that is my weakness BUT I'm going into this with an open mind and prepared to work hard. There's some financial aid shit I have to work out in the morning but as I've learned so far in this life "there's always something" so I'm trying not to worry too much about it. To be honest I've been dreding the begining of a new school year I've been in gainseville all summer just working I haven't been home since march and at times as childish as It sounds I get terribly homesick. Its funny how much you can want something when the option of it isn't available, I've made a new friend or two this summer and I'm glad for it. Its nice being around a differnt kind of energy every now and then. Now for the big change...there's a boy "I KNOW I KNOW" but this...idk I feel like this is different its very new and sweet and idk its wierd I sort of feel like I haven't flexed these muscels in so long "the relationship muscel" but he's very sweet and I'm very comfortable around him which is a big deal for me I'm just waiting to see where it gose :)
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