Apr 10, 2006 08:41
Hey there....
So, I was just on this Yahoo Group for Expecting Dads, and well...it encouraged me to be writing in a blog throughout the course of the pregnancy, so...here I am. I know...Jenny is about to start her 2nd trimester, but better late then never. It's been an interesting first trimester, Jenn has been mostly tired and nausous most of the time, which is good...and I suspect mostly normal. Just been mostly taking care of her. She was growing a little bit by a little over the last several weeks. However, it just seemed like all the sudden last weekend....she just popped. Twelve weeks hit and she was looking like 5 months one person told her. he he... I love to rub her belly! And pray for baby and kiss baby good night.
It was exciting and hard started the pregancy, it seemed that our misacarriage robbed alot of the excitement that we had first time around. We were more cautious and less excited, yet...more excited. It's weird. We wait to tell most people. However, once we did, it was a relief, and we were happy we did too because Jenn just started to pop. :) No hiding it now. I just have to tell people at work. Not sure how, I feel like the rumor mill started going on around me when I was out for Jenn's miscarriage, now I don't want to talk to most people at work about my miscarriage. It's sad, but I just don't connect with people at school. My brother works here now, he knows...but, that's different...he's my brother.
So much on my plate, don't know how to clear it! Kid coming, certifcation tests this week, buying a home, kid coming, contemplating a job change, kid coming, spring is her. Just want to rest! Tired! Anyhow...continue to pray for us as we continue our journey.