hasibutzi 38,029 - 28.9%
yuumama 23,677 - 18%
scoreswithballs 8,255 - 6%
imgottapower 13,228 - 10%
cheerupemosquid 3,793 - 2.9%
comeontoushi 10,235 - 7.8%
climaxinside 17,296 - 13.2%
bellsofsteel5,367 - 4%
melonshalfoff 1,838 - 1.4%
papacapinyo 2,639 - 2%
raburaburabu 4,996 - 3.8%
topsoverflowers 2,295 - 1.7%
ainofubuki 1,199 - .9%
gonwiththewind 790 - .6%
131,342 comments total
* ... so Ryoutarou did more in a year than Gohan has in two.
* Gon did not even make a whole percent in a two weeks :(
* Chiaki is the dropped character with the smallest ecock
* Only four characters our of fourteen hit 10% or higher
* Barret is a very solid tertiary lololol
* All my Kamen Riders together are only 17.6% of the total comment count
* Ryoutarou remains my main and I love it, yeah
* I am too lazy to look up dates so you don't get comment/day numbers like everyone else