Yesterday evening was both a harrowing and amusing experience. Just as I came out of the kitchen, I saw a lizard making its way "home". I squealed and shouted out to my mum.
I was a bit appalled at mummy's reaction. She grabbed a pole immediately and ran for the poor lizard hitting it furiously. This point, my face was already pale, squirming and screaming at how cruel my mum was (pretentious right?). Then the lizard slipped into the toilet and off went mum. After a good 30-40 seconds, she came out cursing the darn lizard. The lizard was probably "commando-trained" as it had made its escape into of the cracks on the wall despite my mum's vicious pursuit.
I thought the ordeal was over but as I made another step, I saw the lizard's little cute tail jumping around. My immediate reaction was to squeal out to my mum again. And she used a plastic bag to catch it. 3 cheers for Mum!
But hey, who's the guy here? And here I am squirming like a girl. I bet anyone who saw my reaction would laugh their heads off. I blame it on Mum's unwavering peeve for cleanliness since I was young. We never had an inch of dust in our house. So I never make friend with the cockroaches and lizards.
Unfortunately, the unwelcome visitor had found a wrong home. I hope it was not severely bruised by my mum. Eeek...Peace out.