(no subject)

Nov 24, 2004 09:14

Thanksgiving is finally tomorrow. I have woken up ever god damned day this week thinking it was tomorrow and it finally fucking is. No work for a few days. No school, most of my projects are done and I get to lift today. OH YA!!! I fucking love the gym. My shgoulder is doing considerably better seeing that I was actually able to clean and jerk up 60 kilos on a 45 lbs. bar and hold it for a few seconds. It rocked. I worked out so hard that I couldnt mover my head at all without my neck and shoulders hurting. I feel really good today and cant wait to do it again. James sadi it best, im the only guy he knows that really gets off on the masocistic (SP) treatment i give myself during my training. I sware, one day I will not BE TO FAT TO DO ROCKY!!!!!!Damn you justin for being so naturally lean and cut. Fucker. I looked at a picture theresa has of me and her from a few months after we started going out and i didnt recognize myself anymore. Between my hair and face i dont even look like the same guy. Im a much more evil looking version of my former self with bigger muscles. Oh ya!!I put a new car cover on my buick yesterday and it took a couple hours to do because getting the back seat apart is THAT much of a hassel. It looks pretty good but I broke my 3/4 ratchet. Its all good because it gave me a reason to buy a whole mew set from work thats ALL higher quality. Might be useful; when tareing shit apart for con. If not, I can completely over haul my car. I dont remember If i said this already but Im going to PV to see Theresa's family, (mom and Dad), with my pop and it should be a good time. I keep hearing how the food is going to rock my socks and make my heart stop. I'm so looking forward to it, i diet constantly. This is really the only time of the year that I will break my rules for food and go nuts. I love TURKEY!!!! TURKEY LEG FOREVER!!! My car is running really well and i am totally happy for that. Tyheresa just finished cleaning out her car which means that everything is compacted into the trunk. Ifear for the next person that has to open that thing. It might just blow up from the fireworks that are still in it from when we went to Louisana. I was thinking about what i wanted for christmas and I have yet to come up with anything. I bought the things that I really waneted for myself last year and will probibly do the same this year. I figure that I only really want a leather jacket. Theresa took me me to this little shop in San Pedro that was alomost a head shop I guess, but the thing was that it was closed and on the way back to the car I stumbled apon this really bitchen leather shop i probibly mentioned in a previous entry. The prices and the leather looked really appealing, i think ill save up a few pay checks and get myself a nice jacket that I wont have to worry about fucking up all the time like the other ones im wareing out. The one I got from the good will years ago is all fucked up in the neck and doesnt fit me as nicely anymore since i have reshaped my body. The Rowley jacket is still the shit but is really lite and thinner than id want it to be. My nice 3/4 length is just that. NICE, im always afraid im gonna fuck it up or something. Its so warm and coozy though. I thought about another pair of harley boots but the ones I bought last year and have been wareing ever since are still on my feet and keep on truckin. No need for them, they just need a shin.e Maybe some cheap ones for con though. I got lots of time to think about that though. Alrighty, i think thats about all I can manage to think of for today, I'll empty my thoughts the next time i accumulate enough to dump on you guys. Cooochy snappers!
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