(The) Rock // Original Character // gargleblasted app

Feb 04, 2011 21:57


Name: Lady
Are you over 16?: yes
Personal LJ: theladygoddess
Email: the.lady.goddess.is{at}gmail.com
Timezone: CST
Other contact: AIM: MegaminoSephiros
Characters already in the game: summonerofmyst
How did you find us?: A better question would be “why are you doing this to us?” But I’m already in the game.


Character name: The Rock (not to be confused with the actor)
Fandom: original
Timeline: n/a
Age: unknown
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: The Rock is pretty much indestructible. No matter what you throw at it or do to it, you can’t crack or break it. This includes but is not limited to spells, super strength, riddles from Sherlock Holmes, Gundam missiles, nuclear weapons, ninjas, molded cheese, death glares, the droids you’re looking for but can never find, that one thing you thought would work but didn’t and God.

It also has the unknown yet incredibly amazing ability to move without actually being mobile. By this, I mean the second someone turns their back and turns back around, The Rock is that much closer to them. It doesn’t have legs or arms, so there is no visible way for it to move. There is no way to determine how The Rock moves, but it only does so when no one is watching. If it’s glared at it will simply sit there and wait for the person to turn its back.

The Rock's movement is limited to stalking only when no one is looking. It can't hurl itself at anyone, attack anything or sneeze on the salad bar. It wouldn't even be able to reach a salad bar. Someone would have to physically put it up there. Thus, all buffets are avoided.

The Rock is suspected to be sentient, but nothing has ever been proven. Just because it moves and can’t break doesn’t mean it’s alive. It’s probably all in your head anyway. It’s a rock. And yet, people will always remain suspicious of it.

Actually, The Rock is very sentient. It just can’t communicate because it can’t talk and has no arms or legs. Perhaps someone with mental abilities will be able to tell it’s more than just a rock, and even communicate with it (i.e. get it to talk) but overall it’s a rock. To the vast majority it can’t express thoughts or feelings, because it has no facial expressions and no body parts. It really is just a rock. It’s a special rock, but still a rock.

How would they use their abilities?: Stalking, gathering secrets, making people feel paranoid, general trolling.

Appearance: It’s an average gray rock. It’s shaped like a rejected lava cake from high school home economics class. It’s got a slightly off-center dome shape with a very flat bottom. Its outside is very smooth, great for pens, crayons, makers and graffiti. It used to be fat, but it just recently lost weight. Here are some before and after photos: Before | After

The Rock is very proud of its weight loss and tree removal process. Don’t judge him. He’s had a hard life.

Background/Personality: The Rock is from a planet that was only inhabited by water, trees and various macrobiotic (tiny little organisms) aquatic life forms. It was the only rock on the planet, and it housed the only trees on the planet. There was no sentient, intelligent life available.

For aeons, since the creation of its planet (we’ll go with the Christianity thing and say God made it), The Rock has been completely alone. Just it and the trees and the water splashing up against it that helped give it its first shape. It sat on the edge of a vast ocean that covered the entire plane. The Rock felt no reason to move or be moved, since it was just a rock, and the only one of its kind. That is, until the planet was discovered by a group of greedy nameless aliens that came and exploited the planet’s abundant natural resources. Since there was only The Rock, they used up all the water and turned the entire planet into a wasted desert. They figured they could get away with it. After all there was nothing but a rock inhabiting the planet.

They thought wrong.

The Rock, through a combination of billions of years of evolution and some random fluke for the sake of plot the chemical the aliens introduced to the air, discovered that not only was it sentient, but it could move. Therefore it used its newfound abilities to stalk the hell out of the aliens. It was a little slow at first, since it was a very large and sluggish rock. However, years and years of exercise from stalking the aliens (and being battered by the elements of different environments it experienced from being mobile) made The Rock lose a lot of weight. Now it is simply a smaller version of what it once was.

But it was worth it. The paranoia of looking over their shoulders and always having The Rock there, even though there was no evidence it was actually moving (it has no arms and legs) drove away the alien race. Unfortunately, by that time, there was very little life left on the planet. The water was all gone, and that left little hope for the planet repairing itself. The Rock was forced to sit there and watch its planet die out completely, since there was really nothing it could do (no arms and legs, the poor thing).

The Rock, being the only thing left on the planet besides sand, was brought upon the Thor once it was discovered. Being checked over by the customary instruments, they sensed that it was sentient, perhaps even intelligent. Unfortunately they couldn’t prove it, since it’s just a rock.

And that’s what it wants everyone to believe.

As far as personality goes, it seems to have a rather flat, bland personality. It is limited in its emotional capacity. It knows right from wrong but it doesn’t exactly have feelings. It can experience annoyance and anger, as clearly brought out by the incident with the aliens, but as far as love or crushing, it can’t do that. It may even like someone, but that’s as far as it goes - a platonic, curious type of like. It will never experience romance since…well. It’s a rock.

The Rock is very intelligent, and is gaining more and more knowledge every day. It can’t do anything with this knowledge though, since it’s just a rock. It’s not like it can apply it to every day life and improve upon itself as a result. Its curious nature is the reason it stalks people, although it will also stalk if annoyed or angered. Think of the rock as having a personality revolving around the purest sense of justice. Someone does something that’s morally wrong, the rock gets angry, and that person gets stalked. The paranoid effects on the “victim” will probably be the same either way.

As mentioned above, it is possible for someone to communicate with The Rock if they have some type of mental abilities (telepathy or empathic) and they actually want to communicate with it. In that case it can convey thoughts and feelings, or what it has in its limited capacity. I don’t know why someone would actually want to talk to a rock, since it can’t really offer up fascinating conversation, but it is possible to do so.

Why should that character be in this game: Ever since I saw that we could app a rock in the rules I’ve always wanted to do it. Just for the lulz. The Rock wouldn’t add any type of usefulness to the game at all. It’s almost impossible for it to grow as a character, unless it gets zapped by something that gives it arms and legs or is somehow given a body or turned into a person (I really don’t see that happening but at GB anything is possible). But basically, I’m apping this because it’s ridiculous. It’s supposed to be laughed at, and it’s not to be taken seriously at all.

Why do you want to continue their history here: n/a

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: n/a

Have you read up on how the game works?: The name of the guide system is the Flaming Ferret. The Rock can earn money by missions, begging, stealing, or doing something else equally dishonest. Or freelancing. But it won’t be doing any of those things. It’s a rock.

1st person sample: [There’s something you don’t see every day: a rock sitting in the middle of the hallway. Where did it come from? It’s impossible to tell. Some little kid may have thought to take it home and wound up dropping it. Or someone may have put it there on purpose in an attempt to trip you up and laugh at you from a distance. Whatever the reason, there’s no reason to even glance twice at it. There’s nothing special about it. It’s just a plain, run of the mill, ordinary rock.

Although you may notice, if you keep looking back behind you, it seems to be getting closer and closer to your general proximity. Or is it? Do you dare to do a double take? Triple? Quadruple? Stand there and stare at it? Go ahead. Just don’t let it turn into a staring contest. You’ll lose. Badly.]

3rd person sample: The weather on the Thor was never anything to write home about. It was always tranquil. There was never any rain, snow or sleet. Well, there was snow in the park during winter but that was more of a holiday thing. Or was it an everyday occurrence? It didn’t matter to the lonely gray thing sitting off the side of the beaten path. It felt nothing: not rain, sleet, cold or heat. (I totally feel like Dr. Seuss right now.) It weathered everything stoically, from conversations to gum being stuck to its bottom, to drunk people peeing on it (that was never cool) and animals that decided to hide under it. One would think its existence was boring if not vile, but no. The Rock actually lived a very exciting life. It got to meet everything and come in contact with anything without being harmed. It had learned so much over the billions of years it had been alive, but it never really figured out how to properly express itself. That was OK though. It wasn’t alone. Really, at this point, the only thing it could do was follow people around. It was quite satisfied with that.

One just happened to be approaching. Interesting thing; it couldn’t exactly “see” because it had no eyes but it somehow knew the person was there. Just the same. And since it was tired of being shelter for some centipede and the remains of his caterpillar wife (he knew it wasn’t going to work out the second the centipede got hungry) he decided to skulk behind them. Well, not really skulk. That would involve legs, and he had none. But he was following them. And he had no doubt eventually they’d notice.

Questions?: Are you ever going to take me seriously as a person after this?

On a semi-serious note, if I'm accepted, I realize it will be impossible for The Rock to use a guide. My solution for this is simple: whenever he appears it's either in an action thread on the main comm, a log, or he's on an NPC's guide. The NPC would have to be the one doing whatever while The Rock was in the background being a rock.

Is this OK?

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes sir, yes I have.

ooc, app, gargleblasted

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