Greetings from the Liminal State!

Oct 22, 2007 22:05

I've applied for over twelve different jobs in the last two months. I've applied for good ones, not so good ones, ones above and below my experience/education, full-time, part-time, temp, ANYTHING that I could imagine myself doing for at least three months. I've only had one call back. Now, I've been stood up on dates, and even on doctor's appointments, but I've NEVER been stood up for an interview... until today.

I interviewed for a photography job with Party Pics a month ago. I called to follow up each week, and each week they had made no decision. The manager invited me back for a second interview today. I got there at 4pm on the dot, waited around, and a guy in the office finally told me the manager had a meeting outside the office. I'm going to call tomorrow to politely remind him that I would still like the second interview. I'd take it as a clear sign I don't need a part-time photography job, but I need the money. Motherfucker sounds like a surfer dude and exchanges words "like" and "you know" for any information of real substance.

"We're like, real busy here ya know, and I like haven't had any time to like think, you know, and look over applications. I'm like totally sorry, but we're really still interested so don't give up on us yet, you know?"

Meanwhile, I can overhear a whole conversation he has with someone about Adam Sandler as he sets down the phone to look for my application.

Oh well. That'll sort itself out soon. I've discovered that searching for jobs in a panic and worrying why they haven't called isn't good for anything. I'm ridiculously broken out right now as a result of that stress, I'm sure.

In other news, I'm slowly putting together my Halloween costume. I'm a little bored with the sexy costumes this year, so I've decided to dress as an English street urchin, like Oliver Twist. Cheap is the new sexy! I've got the hat, jacket, vest, fingerless gloves, and my knickers, but I still need shoes and another shirt. I also need to pick up a dowel to make a hobo bindle and maybe a wooden bowl or something. I wanted to find a coat with tails, so I'm keeping an eye out for a better one. I combed Salvation Army for well over an hour and still didn't come up with anything.

. . .

I'm becoming increasingly aware that each day seems much like the last these days. I think that comes with the territory of graduating college, but it seems a little overwhelming when the job you do each day doesn't fit you.

Landscaping was awesome as a voluntary choice, but not being able to find a job in my area of expertise is ruining each day I have to dig in the dirt, pull weeds, and pick up the trash of inconsiderate freshmen. I say freshmen because my area is Cate Center. I got to help plant the South Oval and the formal garden by the business college, but the place where I spend my each and every day is fairly free of imagination by the supervisors and free of consideration by the freshmen residents. I replant trees that stupid freshmen tear out for fun. I wash away fresh graffiti. I fish cigarette butts and pizza crusts from the honor's college fountain. The job is about at glorious as it is well-paying. The only satisfaction I really get from the job is the air whipping my face as I drive my Gator to the shop across campus and the breaks when I can drink my coffee and read. Plating flowers is hardly satisfying anymore, because I know they'll likely be torn out in a matter of weeks.

But each day I go to work, I do feel grateful that I'm NOT on my way to spending every day of my life in an office. The real reason why I'm being patient with this photography job is because maybe, just maybe, it'll be a stepping stone from casual photography to professional photography, and maybe, JUST MAYBE!, I can someday land a job with National Geographic. THAT would be my dream. Well, one of my dreams...

... I still have many dreams.
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