Test #4 got released. In it, the designers were randomly assigned 1 cycle each of rare, uncommon and common. At least 1 had to be tight and 1 had to be loose. Then, at most 50 words to talk about each cycle.
I got out my trusty die, and randomly assigned myself instants, creatures and enchantments.
More cards behind the cut )
I like the Auradons. The "this gets +X/+X" ability is a little clunky, but probably worth it to make the cards work. You are right to make them uncommon, as each is on curve even without the upgrade ability.
The rares leave me feeling very conflicted. On the one hand, the fragility of creature enchantments is a nice way to weaken the effects of these powerful past enchantments, and I like that most of the enchantments are themselves powered by creatures, so that having the enchanted creature be unavailable is a nice bit of pain. On the other, some of these are cheaper than the originals - particularly relevant for a denial enchantment like Opposition, where you might lock the opponent out of mana a turn earlier than you ever could have before. My favorite here is the same as elklad's: Humility, where bouncing or killing the host creature mid-combat can wreak such havoc.
I'm not that worried about the "popularity" thing, since, as you correctly observe, some players will see that as a challenge to turn it into an advantage.
Note, BTW, that Sigil of Opposition doesn't let you tap lands. I'm not insane :)
The rare cycle is sick. Tap almost any creature to tap most types of permanents? Then again, you'd need three cards in play just to be able to start tapping...
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