Dec 04, 2013 08:58

Elena Bayer, director of the orphanage of Azov, Rostov region - Federal experimental site of the Russian Academy of Education, Ph.D., associate professor, an honorary member of the team TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko". 8-918-5510156.
Elena Petrova, Counselor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy director of the orphanage, the Azov, Rostov region - Federal experimental site of the Russian Academy of Education, an honorary member of the team TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko".
Oleg Latyshev, an academician of the International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov, scientific director of the Federal Experiment Russian Academy of Education, PhD, founder and director of TOP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko", head of the Russian orphanage of the family. 8-919-246-87-58, 8-918-443-00-43,

Keywords: resilience, tours and tourist activities, education, social integration, regional studies, exercises, socialization.

Abstract. The concept of resilience to the global teaching science has a very broad definition. Meaning only positive properties of the formation of resilience, we see possible to organize a scientific and pedagogical research to explore the possibility of application of tours and tourist activities to achieve the goal.

The reason for setting up the designated scientific problem was long-term and broad areas of the orphanage of Azov to form a viable individual pupil. Significant role in this process was to play means tourism and local history. As the practice of everyday life of residential care facilities, tourism and local history work can take its rightful place in the process of socialization of orphans - in particular, with the persistence of students in a rapidly changing society and the relatively low predictability of the direction of its future development.
The problem of forming resilience of orphans and children left without parental care, moves us more than a year. This encourages a constantly expanding range of tools that would allow us to make the solution of the problems of the most vivid and convincing. Teachers search culminated finding such funds are in the field of children's tourism and local history. Our students for many years to develop their skills in the tour and travel and local history activities. Here are the closely interwoven aspects of good physical fitness, ability to communicate in a peer-led team of experienced mentors, as well as the opportunity to continuously acquire new knowledge on the interest of young tourists and local history subjects and objects. We believe that both the physical and intellectual capacity, in due measure developed in the chosen direction of activity, complements this growing ability to communicate not only with other students or members of different ages tourist unit (circle section). But with many years of experience wiser people who have found the time to work with start-tourists.
Ways in which the preconditions quality implementation of actions taken by us in educating orphaned children to success in the field of tourism and local history? First, the long tradition we have physical training. As we have been told in numerous articles published in scientific journals and collections of materials of scientific conferences at various levels, physical preparation of our students is accompanied by strict control of the medical service. Carefully planned and systematically implemented in life pupils system of preventive measures to maintain a proper level of health and related physical fitness of young tourists and sportsmen. Daily exercises, tempering procedures are combined in the lives of our children to traditional school physical education classes and classes in sports clubs, gyms. Students participate in competitions at various levels, usually accompanied by their new sporting achievements. We are aware that no diplomas or certificates or trophies by themselves do not mean a child's life and institutions as much as can mean ever-increasing its total readiness for sightseeing and tourist activities
Second, in the minds of the young tourists and ethnographers us and laid the foundations of their socialization through interaction in a team of associates. Certainly, the tasks that we set before us in an academic work, extend much further than the successful completion of the spectacular tourist route children, finding them valuable historical and geographical data, thus increasing the overall endurance and stamina in general. Although all the above mentioned in our eyes as a fully self-worth. Our task in the main - to create the most favorable situation for the cultivation of a variety of social skills that would be useful pupil throughout his later life. Which - due to penetration of a child in the special conditions hike, travel, flight, can in themselves exacerbate children's perception and make the achieved results in this period the most valuable in his eyes. Conducted interviews with a psychologist, questioning and testing before and after the child's participation in various forms of sightseeing and tourism, active supervision by psychologists and social workers over the course of the development of children's activities, the timely capture and subsequent analysis of the clearest manifestations of the child's mind. All this, as well as many others, has a direct impact on the result of forming a pupil resilience and its full socialization of the existing conditions of society.
And, finally, in the process of engaging students in the tour and travel and local research activities are actively increasing their motivation to learn - whether it be on the primary or secondary education. The level of awareness of the child's surrounding objects and phenomena receives for its growth is favorable when working in a team of like-minded students. The interest of the child in the knowledge of one kind or another in the regular classroom or group of students may not find support. Conversely, a child, to share new facts of reality, is not entered in his mind, nor in the minds of his peers, can cause a range of random rather than benevolent wonder how embittered mockery. And well, if after a detailed "comments" this pupil will still have at least some desire to not like to share with anyone in the class what they saw and heard, but even just to touch again and again to interest him was the source. Because now in the minds of the pupil earlier this interesting source of information is associated not so much with joy continuous learning, as to the possibility of ridicule, outrage his best feelings, building towards him right of way from peers who have very different interests, or do not have any sort of. As for the kids to write to the tourist circle, for each such pupil, as a rule, the most promising, that this circle (or section) is composed of children who are able and willing to think. That becomes a kind of haven for discovery and friendship, and mutual assistance in training, and complex, previously unseen hiking trail, and the emergence of new models of collective creative learning.
How we perceive the positive and the fact that the appearance of viability with pupil has the culture and at the same time civilized. Its high erudition in a suitable atmosphere tourist or student of local history mug can say more than a fist or a finely-honed methods of struggle. After talking to the conditions created by us is exclusively in one language - the language of peace, friendship and mutual understanding.
In addition, special satisfaction to us is, and is provided to each pupil the opportunity to form and show a positive leader. And the question here is not only the main or even a single leader microsocium child. In the development of children's excursion and tourist activities and local history offers an extremely wide field of co-creation, where each member of the creative collaboration in their own goes to the leadership position. Someone's head works better, someone - his hands, someone - his feet, but no one no one is jealous, not off-putting, and even more so - does not hit as shown by each of his best qualities are credited in equal measure to all participants of the tourism team.
No less noteworthy is that the hyper-bright character of collective action saved the benefits of individual approach in training and education. After all, with all the fusion role of each team member, as already emphasized, unique. Therefore, developing the ability to collective creative work, the pupil retains the ability to do real labor actions individually assessed with self-importance both for himself and for others.
As already mentioned, the problem of socialization of orphans and children left without parental care means tourist and local history activity is closely connected with the problem of their broad direction sports education. The solution to both problems will provide education, culture, behavior in the team, team building skills, and other socializing factors. The starting point for this for now for nearly five years, is the active participation of pupils, teachers and the administration of the orphanage of Azov in the network education project "Mariinsky gallery." . On the other hand, its initiators active participants are employees RAE. Scientists, teaching staff and students jointly participate in the recruitment, selection, classification, editing and presentation of the virtual Mariinsky gallery multimedia educational content. The main sources of accumulation of cognitive material is to visit local history museums, visits to historic sites, the organization and the completion of the museum exhibits in the orphanage of Azov, interviewing participants and witnesses of historical events. Determining the forms of representation collected by children and adults local history material are text documents, photos, audio files and video clips. They are subjected to a thorough and comprehensive analysis, processing, editing properties to make the museum's visibility. Based on the totality of the materials orphanage Azov make presentations in the program «Power Point» for display in the classroom and extracurricular activities. A mode of additional education supplement albums Mariinskaya gallery, create new albums, explanatory material collected in person or by means of educational sites. In the course of this work students improve their communication skills, learn to communicate effectively in a research team, increase a sense of responsibility for their work, as well as putting into practice many other forms and methods of socialization. Of course, that children are not familiar with terms such as "socialization," "social adjustment", "self-determination", etc. In addition to age perception of opportunities, we are guided by considerations of pedagogical tact that students did not know that they are not socialized and adapted in society. But even with such ignorance on their part to the impact of our work are as high as the objective need of every child is the need for communication, attention to it with peers and adults. These needs is his driving force for learning, leading in practice to participate in the network project "Mariinsky gallery." Thus, we offer the opportunity to see how the interaction takes place and there is a succession of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities.
During the excursion and tourist activities and local history we decided to develop and test the mechanism of cooperation, and enhance continuity of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities. The object of our study - the interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities. A subject - the socialization of orphans means tourist and local history activities.
Our tasks are divided into three main parts: legal and organizational, methodological and psycho-educational, financial and economic.
For regulatory and organizational challenges include:
1. Creation of a package of legal instruments for the networking of educational institutions in the interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children-orphans and children left without parental care means tourist and local history activities.
2. Improvement of the functioning of the network of educational project "Mariinsky gallery», aimed at the implementation of the model of interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities;
3. Implementation of new approaches to the organization of the educational process in educational institutions involved in the education project called using distance education technologies;
4. Organization of training of teachers, development of open educational practices and technology, ICT competencies;
5. Creation of a system for monitoring the work of the network of educational project "Mariinsky gallery", as well as its management in order to optimize performance in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and regional studies of the interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education;
6. Develop a set of indicators of educational performance of educational institutions using the resources of the educational project "Mariinsky gallery";
7. Improvement of tourism and local history of the experimental work involved in the educational institutions to the planned replenishment "Mariinsky gallery".
By methodical and psychological and educational challenges include:
1. Equip educators with new information and educational space, organized by the tourism and local history of the institutions and the educational project "Mariinsky gallery", as well as methods and techniques to find and use in the educational process of the network of educational resources and technology socialization of orphans means tourist activity in local history interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education;
2. Equip educators practice of compiling and using programs socialization of orphans means tourism and local history activities based on the use of Web-based educational resources;
3. Equip educators with the new organization of the educational process;
4. Practical application of subject teachers open educational technologies to improve tourism and local history activities;

жизнестойкость, Петрова, Байер, краеведение, социализация, сироты, Латышев, социальная адаптация, социально незащищённые дети, туризм, туристско-краеведческая деятельность, самостоятельность

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