Dec 04, 2013 08:32

Ilyin Victor Nikolaevich, the academician of the International academy of детско-youthful tourism and study of local lore, director of the Voronezh area « the Boarding school №1 for children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents », an honorary member of the team TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko". 8-904-211-87-68.
Latyshev Oleg Jurevich, the academician of the International academy of childrens-youthful tourism and study of local lore, the supervisor of studies of Federal experiment of the Russian Academy of education from интернатных establishments of the Russian Federation, Cand.Phil.Sci., the founder and director of the team TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko".. 8-919-246-87-58, 8-918-443-00-43,

Keywords: tourism, a procedure, development, excursional-tourist activity, education, social adaptation, study of local lore, socialization.

The summary. Among variety of the socially-adapting actions existing in work on children-orphans, we have seen reasonable to use means of excursional-tourist activity by virtue of their integrated approach and efficiency as motivational core on a way of socialization of pupils of a boarding school.

Now all greater seat in a public infrastructure began to borrow different the tourism allowing citizens of our country to receive developed concept about cultural and natural treasures of a planet. Pupils of our boarding school also closely track progress of excursion business, tourism - both in native city, and behind its limits. Elements of romanticism and emotional perception in due course induce pupils to get acquainted with economic mechanisms of area of tourism, researches of regional specialists in their native seats that allows children to cultivate pride of the native ground, wisdom of ancestors, depth of historical traditions in the consciousness. And one step at a time some of them start to connect model of the future self-realization outside study in a boarding school with questions of tourism and study of local lore. And we see the problem in a timely manner to respond to expectations of our pupils, and to place in the service their socializations of means of excursional-tourist and study of local lore activity. The organization of any innovative undertaking requires of its authors of a scrupulous campaign, consideration of all nuances meeting on a way to the organizations of activity on studying the selected object. And it is especially important, when in a role of such object socialization of children-orphans - a category extremely not mental, but urgently necessary in existing realities Russian (and not only) a modern society acts. In our opinion, the urgency of the project is caused by modern lines in a society, connected with innovative progress and modernization of the Russian school according to the basic directions of the priority national project "Formation", the national educational initiative « Our new school », the Plan of action on modernization of the general education for 2011-2015, the Federal target program of progress of formation on 2011 - 2015, the project of modernization of regional system of the general education on 2011 - 2015.
The statement of federal state educational standards of new generation induces to follow its modern installations dictated by the state program of modernization of formation. In particular, «the Standard is directed on maintenance of spiritually-moral progress and education trained, … conservations and progresses of a cultural variety, … mastering by cultural wealth and culture of multinational people of Russia». With reference to subject matter of innovative work offered by us, « in a basis of the Standard lays it is system-деятельностный the approach which assumes:
- Education and progress of qualities of the person who is meeting the requirements of an information society, innovative economy, to problems of construction of a democratic civil society on the basis of tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect multinational, polycultural and polyconfessional structure of the Russian society;
- A variety of organizational forms and the account of specific features of everyone trained (including the presented children and children with the limited possibilities of health), providing growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interoperability with contemporaries and adults in cognitive activity». The interoperability and continuity formal, informal and anformal formations represent a way of a large increase of efficiency of educational process to a boarding school. At the same time, during socialization of pupils of a boarding school results of continuity above the named links till now actively were not involved. It is represented to us, that in conditions of a prevalence of specific thinking above abstract at a significant amount of pupils, an indispensability of liquidation of pedagogical neglect and other similar integral factors the highest results of socialization are achievable means of sports and tourists-study of local lore activity. Development of skill to communicate with representatives of creative intelligence, authorities and clergy entails progress of communicative skills as a whole, and as consequence, will assist increase of a level of socialization of pupils and graduates. Skill to conduct excursion in regional, and then and in federal museums to hold attention of an audience, cultural and in a civilized way to reflect its inquiries, in turn, entails alignment of a children's self-assessment up to an adequate level, that also is capable to make a route of socialization positively sated. We have developed the plan of stage-by-stage realization of the experimental activity, assuming broad audience of problems solved by experimental collective. The first stage - diagnostically-rough - covers itself 2012. It joins following links:
- Carrying out of the complex analysis on comparison of educational demands and resources of educational establishments - participants of network interoperability. Revealing of additional demands for resources of a network.
- Definition of model of network interoperability of base educational establishment («the Boarding school №1») with other educational establishments.
- Design of uniform regional system of monitoring of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents by means of tourists-study of local lore activity in interoperability formal, informal and informal of formation.
- Development of a content of meta programs of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents by means of tourists-study of local lore activity of pupils in interoperability Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education.
- Carrying out of monitoring of educational demands of pupils and their parents (within the limits of work of new structural divisions, such as: service of preventive maintenance early orphanhood, service of adoptive parents, service of support of accepting families, service of support of graduates). - Audit of internal educational resources of establishments of a network (profile, base, elective rates, laboratory base, digital educational resources).
- Monitoring internal personnel resources (teachers of profile training and preprofile preparation, the teachers providing base formation, level IT-competentions of a teaching staff, the teachers having qualification of network teachers and network tutors). - The analysis of possibilities of a supply with information-technical of educational process of establishments - participants of network interoperability (computers, printers, projectors, screens, availability of a local network, computer classes, media libraries, a possibility of Internet connection, etc.).
Then by way of realization of our experimental activity there comes the second stage - designing-organizational, engaging all 2013. Its components are:
- The statement of network model of use of information-educational resources in the decision of a problem of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents by means of tourists-study of local lore activity. - Completion of the complex analysis of educational possibilities and demands of pupils « the Boarding school №1».
- Preparation of recommendations to educational establishments (depending on type) on the organization of network interoperability.
- Development of psychological-pedagogical diagnostics of a level of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents by means of tourists-study of local lore activity in conditions of network interoperability.
- Stage-by-stage realization of the developed programs with use on employment of receptions of the open educational technologies. - Selection criterial the device, uniform for all participants of the network educational project «Mariinsky gallery», realizations of metasubject programs.
- Revealing the educational establishments ready to an exchange by resources in the decision of a problem of socialization of children-orphans and children, the parents who have remained without care by means of tourists-study of local lore activity by means of meta programs.
The third, the final stage - analytical-corrective - In turn assumes experimental work on 2014-15, into it enter:
- Summarizing activity of establishments-participants of the network educational project «Mariinsky gallery» on realization of a problem of research. - Dissimilation of positive pedagogical experience at municipal, regional and federal levels.
- Carrying out of an assessment of efficiency of use of resources of the network educational project «Mariinsky gallery» in the decision of a problem of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents by means of tourists-study of local lore activity in interoperability formal, informal and informal of formation.
In what theoretical and practical value of expected results consists? First of all, it is development of technology of interoperability formal, informal and non-formal educationon socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of sports and tourists-study of local lore activity.
What prospective use of results? Potential consumers of results of research are following categories of workers of formation:
- Employees of controls formation and municipal methodical services,
- Administration of schools-boarding schools,
- Teachers, social teachers, psychologists, class teachers,
- The teachers borrowed in area of professional retraining and improvement of professional skill of pedagogical workers.
Theoretical and practical products of research can be demanded by all specified categories of workers during the organization, realization and improvement of educational process during socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of sports and tourists-study of local lore activity, as well as with a view of accumulation, analytical processing and transfer of innovative pedagogical experience.
We plan to apply following criteria and parameters of efficiency of realization of the project:
The Assessment of realization of the project is based on parameters of scientific, methodical and social productivity.
Scientific productivity is defined by qualitative characteristics (a urgency, novelty, the theoretical importance, efficiency of offers, readiness for introduction) and quantity indicators (volume and a level of scientific publications, participation of a boarding school in competitions, seminars, conferences).
Methodical productivity is defined by number of the workers included in experimental activity, quantity indicators of the organization of methodical work on workers on subject matter of the project in various forms (conference, seminars, creative reports, round tables, consultations, presentations, etc.), realization of training of creative groups. Social productivity is expressed in availability of innovative products of the pedagogical public of region, a wide network of social partnership.
The organization and carrying out of experiment includes system monitoring researches behind a course of its realization:
1. Number of the pupils who have joined process of socialization by means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity in interoperability formal, informal and informal of formation.
2. Average quantity of hours per week within the limits of socialization by means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity on one pupil.
3. A fraction of pupils by which the possibility is provided to use the educational equipment for practical works and interactive manuals within the limits of socialization by means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity (in an aggregate number of pupils).
4. A fraction of the pedagogical and administrative staff who has taken part innovative work (in an aggregate number of the pedagogical and administrative staff), including:
- The administrative staff;
- School-teachers;
- Educators;
- Representatives of a social service-psychological of establishment;
- Other categories of pedagogical workers.
5. A level of satisfaction of participation in innovative work on pupils of a boarding school.
Allow to result also here the list of the materials represented upon termination of the project, a possibility of their duplicating and translation. Upon termination of the project following materials will be presented: Package of local regulatory and legal acts and methodical recommendations on their development;
Methodical recommendations on the organization of resource maintenance of process of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity;
The provisional program on socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity;
Methodical recommendations on the organization of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity, in interoperability formal, informal and informal formations;
Methodical recommendations on creation of system of monitoring of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity;
Methodical recommendations on the organization of process of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity in practice of work of schools-boarding schools.
Duplicating and translation of positive experience of realization of the project will be carried out through the edition of articles, reports, on the Internet-resources of pedagogical products of experimental activity (a package of documents, the program, the recommendations providing scientifically-methodical support of process of socialization of children-orphans and children, the parents who have remained without care, means of physical culture, sports and tourists-study of local lore activity) and system of methodical work.
There Is begun design of uniform regional system of monitoring of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, by means of tourists-study of local lore activity in interoperability formal, informal and informal formations. Monitoring should be spent jointly by above listed organizations and establishments.
There Is begun development of a content of programs of socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, by means of tourists-study of local lore activity of pupils in interoperability formal, informal and non-formal education by creation of schools of the young guide, the psychologist, the journalist, the bibliographer, the ecologist, etc.
Monitoring of educational demands of pupils and their parents, (within the limits of work of new structural divisions, such as: service of preventive maintenance early сиротства, service of adoptive parents, service of support of accepting families, service of support of graduates, service постинтернатной adaptations of graduates, etc.). Has shown a high demand above the listed divisions at task forces and readiness of pedagogical collective for the organization and realization to methodical support of functioning of these structural links of establishment.
Audit of internal educational resources of establishments of a network (profile, base, элективные rates, laboratory base, digital educational resources) has revealed demand for complex and immediate perfection of all quickly becoming outdated bases, as well as an indispensability of development of algorithm of constant updating of resource bases for conditions of unceasing activity of establishment.
Monitoring of internal personnel resources (teachers of profile training and preprofile preparation, the teachers providing base formation, level IT-competentions of a teaching staff, the teachers having qualification of network teachers and network tutors) has revealed an indispensability of creation of system of course preparation and retraining of workers of educational establishments of the state support of the childhood and establishments cooperating with them on subject matter « Socialization of children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents, means of excursional-tourist and study of local lore activity »..
The Analysis of possibilities of a supply with information-technical of educational process of establishments - participants of network interoperability (computers, printers, projectors, screens, availability of a local network, computer classes, media libraries, a possibility of Internet connection, etc.) has allowed to reveal missing system links and to start forward escalating working potential it is according to the installed system requirements.
Set of scientific results is reflected in a set of reports of participants of experimental activity and their publication in collections of materials of the international conferences on subject matter of research.
We give ourselves the report that the collective of experimenters growing from month to month should put significant efforts that experimental activity had also the further stable results. We with gratitude, respect and attention shall concern to any offers, wishes and remarks which you will find possible to state after perusal of our modest work marking only the initial stage of research. All your wishes will be immediately finished to experimental group, and taken into consideration at updating actions of its each participant at a following investigation phase.

социализация, сироты, Латышев, Ильин, социальное самоопределение, социально незащищённые дети, самореализация, туризм, сообщество, самостоятельность, туристско-краеведческая деятельность

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