Regional studies literary means media education as a way of socialization orphans

Dec 04, 2013 08:15

CSA Voronezh region "Boarding school № 1 for orphans and children left without parental care"
International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov
Fertile ground for media educational opportunities without exaggeration be called literary local history. Almost limitless materials Film - Documentary about the lives of poets and writers, literary critics, literary critics, linguists, historians and literature. And it is equally applicable to both Russian literature and the literature of other peoples of the Russian Federation. This magnificent array complements fantastic largest collection of art films made both in the pages of literature, and the scenarios, specially written for these well-known writers. This list closely related and video performances staged as professional adult theater groups and amateur school teams boarding schools (and other educational institutions) in the organization of their project research. Despite the relatively low level of recording technology in the early twentieth century, the very extensive collection of interviews that took the writers and poets of the local and foreign journalists, as well as audio recordings of works of literature read in the recording studio as their authors, and the great artists of his time. For example, serious attention is the collection that gathers Leo Meerovich Abramson, the sound of the State Literary Museum (Moscow).As for the photographic material of literary local history, it simply defies estimate. This picture property of the authors of literary works, their families, colleagues, the places where they lived, worked plaques on buildings, in one way or another associated with their names, monuments to poets, writers and characters of their works, etc. This is the same - and a scan of documents related to the life and works of writers, the manuscripts of their works, as well as paintings and drawings that have the attitude or the names of authors of books studied in the course of literary local history of the boarding school.With broad understanding of media objects as such can be considered a right to call them, not only scanned, captured on camera or camcorder objects of interest to students of boarding - young ethnographers. But the actual book not digitized photographs, documents, etc. After all, music library in the original sense is just beginning to emerge on the basis of real objects of cognition, and only after that series and complements the results of the sampling. Therefore, formally we can refer to the process of media education and work with traditional print and other creatures in the real world knowledge sources for literary local history. Here we have listed only the most common media objects, suggesting that the practice of media education is constantly evolving in all its wide variability, and will soon have the opportunity to meet in a series of media objects of any unexpected, previously classified in a way objects and phenomena, and their various combinations. Having defined the range of materials, from which the process of media education possible, we deliberately did not mention one of them on the Web. And not because they perceive them only as a container for the above objects, and do not try to take into account a new character relationships, showing their new qualities in contact and interaction within web pages. Rather, we are accustomed to thinking of sites are not as separate media objects, as well as an integrated environment of media education, in total isolation from which its quality will be much lower. Moreover, it can be said that the educational online environment, construction, research and improvement which we have already paid a lot of attention, is a determining factor for the success of the process flow of media education in a boarding school for orphans in the profile literary local history. However, this is not the only condition for success in this way. For online environment is an additional condition for the young ethnographers in real educational settings. Next to no literary or museum, representing among other literary exposition of their sections of the city or region? Yet while the children and their teachers have the opportunity to capture the above and many other ways all that relates to the issues of literary local history, and thus to turn the objects of his research attention in media objects for their own use and future of young local historians. Of course, even with the extensive series of illustrations, these series all the time as the need to replenish, and the appearance of more and more finely orchestrated classification of the listed objects. For example, young ethnographers faced with the fact that the Internet is replete with materials of the central archives, but cannot as wide variation in local display material of interest to both literary local history, and for literary critics. In this case it makes sense to visit the local library, set out the purpose of his visit, to issue the relevant documentation. Then examine the documents found in the archive and distribute them to frequently (and already on the web pages), as well as rare, if not unique in its kind. Archives offer employees assistance in scanning, processing of scanned images and creating a catalog of electronic copies of documents relating to the life and work of poets and writers. If at all possible, to resolve the archival documents can be placed by young local historians on their personal web pages, sites of literary and local history projects, forums, online communities on topics that are somehow related to the topics of interest to students of the boarding school, fond of literary local history. So the young researchers will be able not only to meet its positive exploration ambitions, but also to help their senior colleagues working at a professional level, to find a new food for thought, comparisons, and in particularly successful cases - and a whole new field of research. So may open the way to the science and practice for boarding pupils literally at school. Course, this is unexpected scientific findings and discoveries rather longer and long than wide and short. So we cannot ignore it as the way of mass socialization of orphans being cared for in the appropriate residential care. However, as a precedent, it could become one of the multiple examples of self-realization, self-assertion, self-boarding schools. And can happen to everyone - in the professional, cultural and social spheres of life. That in itself is quite important for everyone looking for a man, set himself the task of self-creation and enrichment of his inner world. And, directly or indirectly, also go to the high level of positive socialization. At this point we have described as a circle of media objects, and a number of conditions in which probably their most productive uses. It should also be given to the question, on what basis is traditionally used media education, and what new inclusions should saturate the sequence of such bases for the most high performance media education programs. Of course, first of all, the basis for literary and regional studies of the children becomes a classroom. This is due to the fact that the literature teacher at the boarding school almost always works, but to find a teacher who would be keenly interested in literature itself, and was able to inspire her students the joys of literary ethnography, can be significantly less. But also people in the educational building, fortunately, also occur. And much more - among teachers further education leading to a boarding school literary club or studio. We have repeatedly talked about how much more solid results obtained teaching of the teacher or the teacher further education, if it works in conjunction with media specialists of the educational institution or the teacher of computer science. And basically it is not even that has a teacher of literature information technology - it was much more important in the early days of development of domestic media education, the introduction of information technology in residential educational institutions. It is now being sent to become witnesses of how the leaders of the primary trade union organization of education proposed that the payment clause of the collective agreement with the information resources of the new generation to some teachers who have attained in this area the most outstanding results. This is based on 100 per cent of employees of educational institutions in terms of mastery of information technology and to transform its educational activities in the precedents of whole-school educators. Still, the support that media specialists can assist the teacher, is still important, and sometimes the need for it also increases. After all, should also bear in mind that the very media specialists, as a rule - people are constantly looking for. Constantly evolving and deepening the level of their training. And every day the teacher now involved in media education in the field of literary and lore, such media specialists is able to support all the new directions and new synthesis of traditional and cutting-edge layers of knowledge. For example, young literary ethnographers have the desire to take photographs of a literary museum and tie them to the map. Head teacher of literature or literary studio may show on any subjects that should sharpen their focus to young researchers. A media specialists at this time helps to adjust the camera in contact with the satellite system, which will include information on the spatial coordinates of the point of the photo, in which it was made. Now, even if dry, sensitive service signatures necessary to make a photo manually, soon the time will come when the pictures will be signed by yourself, in agreement with the information system is constantly enriched, consistent with the longitude-latitude of each of the photos. This may be offered all possible links to online resources, one way or another affect the photographed object topic. At this time of media specialists will explain to the teacher of literature and his young followers have very different technical stuff. And the process of media education in the literary study of local lore can acquire a completely new shape. Just as evidenced by our long-standing practice of experimental work. Just ten years ago, the author of these lines was first performed in front of the band, caregivers of children's home - daring experimenters in the socialization of children orphaned by means of information technology. And demonstrate with "pendant" - flash card which at the time housed a total of 64 megabytes of text information. Listeners then struck the fact that on this tiny product etched all literary works, which were kept in a bookcase in the wall length of the study, where our first meeting place. Today, that capacity of the disk drive can not cause the majority of the audience is nothing but an ironic smile. But soon the already ever-increasing storage capacity may itself become meaningless. In the short term, the entire surface of the globe would be equally (or at least at the minimum necessary) accessible to satellite signals, and traffic information will also be daily at the very least be exhaustive. All information in this case can be stored on secure servers located, for example, somewhere on a desert island, and the satellites will relay it to all the necessary directions. Then the high-capacity disk drives portable class will be in demand. But the thing that most change in this case - it is the very idea of the way of information, the formation of a strong and useful knowledge, for example in the field of literary local history. You can simply pass any home, and to include in the mobile phone the appropriate option to listen to all the relevant information about it, the proper purpose of your research. And if you do not hear this information block anything authentically known to you, you can dictate the server kind audio navigator its complement. The information will be included in expert and listen your information block. If, for example, the site you have the opportunity to introduce, first of all, the text information, in the future it may concentrate in audio and video format, and supplemented by subsequent efforts of competent listeners. Why do we think it is possible to speak here only one of the many versions of the possible development of technological process? Indeed, the development can go a completely different way? Probably. But here we see it is only appropriate as a model of rapid development processes, ensuring, in particular, and the success of media education in the field of literary local history. Because young literary local historians to pre-configure the perception system for the acquisition of new knowledge as interacting with a huge variety of factors actually determine its rapid development. And tune in to the constant rethinking capacity level of media education, which will provide an unequivocal success for any research, even very narrow topic, no matter what they choose. Before the modern school is a difficult task - to prepare a young person with active citizenship, is inextricably linked with education of the feelings of love for the country, which includes love for homeland, to the place where you live, to the history of their region, its culture and literature. According to L. Makarova, "the love of our great motherland begins with instilling the love of a small country. Each is your favorite part of the world - the village, the village or town. A love truly can be when a person or a young adult knows the historical and geographical aspects of the development of settlement and the formation of his native region, republic, area. In their classrooms, as well as in extracurricular activities with students of all the classes we work on projects in local history. When there is a topic that is interesting and the teacher and students work in full swing violently and creatively, and the result is excellent. Each student is on his way, with his usual pace, depth and direction of interest. Pupils are refreshing your knowledge about the native land ". [8] Knowledge acquired by the pupils has to become not only more aware and robust, but also go a conviction, to link up with the moral and aesthetic ideals. This issue is closely connected with the times: to educate people, open-minded, capable of self-learning ability. Finding solutions to problems faced by the school should contact the local history of literature. Literature on local history lessons of Russian language and literature today is a must. Appeal to the subject dictated by the changes that occur in society. Summarizing representation of pedagogy experimenters working on the introduction to the process of socialization of orphans of tourism and local history, and VN Ilyin wrote: "We see our task in a timely manner to respond to the needs of our students, and in the service of their socialization of the means of tourist tours and local history and activities. Organization of any innovative initiatives requires its authors squeamish hike, considering all the nuances along the way in the organization of activities to study a selected object. This is particularly important when the role of the project is the socialization of orphans - a category not only speculative, and the urgent need in the existing realities of the Russian (and not only) of modern society ". [5] New times require new approaches in education, new technologies, including the computer, or, as it is now called, information and communications. Indeed, the use of ICT in the classroom makes it possible to work on the three channels of human perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and hence - promotes effective learning. Multimedia - a representation of objects and processes are not the traditional way a text description, and using photos, video, animation, sound, ie almost all currently known forms (multi - many, media - methods, tools). Multimedia environment is much higher information density than traditional methods of communication. The volume of material mined by saving time. There are growing opportunities for a differentiated approach in training, conducted interdisciplinary communication. But the most important advantage of using ICT in the classroom - increasing motivation for learning, creating a positive attitude, self-activation of the students [15]. Of course, the computer is no substitute for a teacher or textbook. It must be remembered that the use of modern technology in every lesson is unrealistic. First, it is contrary to the requirements of Sanitary and also does not correspond to the potential perception of the vast majority of pupils of boarding schools. But the skilful application of ICT not only increases the efficiency of the lesson, but also contributes to the cognitive needs of students. One of the best and affordable tools for teachers to use ICT in the classroom literature is the creation of presentations. As you know, the presentation - a set of slides and special effects that accompany their show on the screen, made in the program "Power point", or similar shell "KM-school", or in any other suitable for this editor.As part of our theme, we will give examples of lessons and presentations to explore the biography and the writers of the Voronezh region. On the lessons of artistic perception works slideshow should limit a few minutes. This could be an image of a portrait of the writer, illustration artists, graphic or pictorial reflection of life era, described in the novel. Well, when a slide show accompanied by music, selected in accordance with the characteristics of the studied works. This presentation affects different areas of perception: emotion, thought, imagination, creating a positive attitude to work. Through this approach, the OE meniyu Hook, "be gradual" immersion "in a given image, where the child is, in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, has the opportunity to live and work through their trauma, stressful". [7]Presentation accompanying lessons depth study product may contain slides with questions of a different nature, challenging analytical work of pupils (benchmarking, monitoring, synthesis) and the development of imagination, slides jobs for students, informative slides, slides with pictures of the exhibit, with the literature and other terms. Such presentations can increase the amount of material being studied by saving time teachers and students, to enhance self-activity of pupils, increase the possibility for a differentiated approach to learning, to implement interdisciplinary communication, to achieve, in the end, the most effective lessons. The desire of pupils to exercise self-help them learn to communicate with their peers, the orphanage staff, however, and this one does not stop there. According to EV Pilyugina taking an active part in the implementation of tourism and local history of the socialization of the students in the practice of boarding, "the process of forming communicative skills of orphans was able to accelerated development, which, in turn, significantly extended our boarding students on the forms and ways of dealing with people, not one of the employees of the orphanage, and of cultural elite of the community "[11].Literary life in Voronezh region known far beyond its borders. It enriched Russian literary works and she has absorbed the best that has been and is the inheritance of the poets and writers of the past. Teacher of literature studies with students of the boarding school works of A.V.Koltsov, I.S.Nikitin, S.Ya.Marshak, A. Platonov, V. Peskov, Bunin, natives and residents of the land in Voronezh. The use of local history material on certain classes of literature makes it possible to look at the author and his work in new ways to involve students in the history and culture of their native land. The application of computer presentations in class is a great opportunity working with video, with sound, with documentary photographs and text. Here are several examples of slides describing some types of presentations. In studying the story of Andrei Platonov "Pit" offer:
Slide 1. Biographical data. Real name - Clement. Grew up in a family locksmith locomotive plant in Voronezh. Early to get to work. He studied in a parochial school, then in public school. During the Civil War he served in the Red Army, took part in the fighting. Writing began back in the Civil War - stories, poems, articles in provincial newspapers and magazines. Was interested in the social utopia.
Slide 2. Story "The Pit" (1929-1930) published in 1987 in the journal "October." The two story lines: building houses a fantastic symbol of building a new society, dispossession in the village.
Slide 3. Mission: to identify novel features of the text and the time to pick up the episodes.
Slide 4. The characteristic features of the time.
1) The war of the defeated country, the poverty of the workers and peasants.
2) The massive projects, construction of communism.
3) Dekulakization peasants.
4) The enthusiasm of the "masses."
5) The prosperity of the bureaucracy.
6) informing.
7) lack of spirituality.
Slide 5. Comparative characteristics of products. Assignment: Compare the features of the time described in the story "The Pit", with the corresponding features in the novel E. Zamyatin "We". Plan: dystopia, a dream come true for general happiness, the collapse of Communism. Outcome: Platonov shows society at the start of the "general line" Zamyatin shows the consequences of this line.Appeal to the facts of the history and culture of his native land in literature classes causes the pupil is not only surprising, but also the joy of discovery, and in the end - love for homeland and pride for their country. The next common form of the use of modern information technology - to view videos. Many classic works have found their new incarnation in the film. These films are a great help in the work in literature classes. You can use a separate video clips, and you can arrange viewing of the film, followed by discussion. Moreover, that is often at odds with the interpretation of the director of author's text. [13]Choosing local history course, it should be noted that a clear example for younger students can serve as a wonderful work of Voronezh children's writer Samuil Marshak - poet, translator and playwright, a man of great culture and a wide variety of interests and knowledge. He - one of the best poets of the translators in this country, his translations of Shakespeare, Burns, first discovered the work of the great poets of the Russian readers. Lines of his poems do not have to learn. They remembered themselves, and then do not leave the memory even after many years. Great demand collection of filmstrips on creativity Marshak, audiobooks Marshak "Carousel," "Cat House," "That's what the scattered" and others. Suitable for high school film "dark alley", filmed in 1991, based on the stories of Ivan Bunin. A film director Nikita Mikhalkov, begins work on a new film that will be based on the works of Ivan Bunin. The plot will be based on two picture books - "Cursed Days" and "Sunstroke". On the works of A. Platonov, there are also films: "The Lonely Voice of Man" on the story "The River Potudan" and the stories "The Hidden Man" and "The Origin of the master" (1978-1987), "Father," based on the story "The Return" ( 2007), the "Homeland of Electricity" - story of the almanac "The beginning unknown age" (1967).Another popular form of using IT is the use of music. Because we all know that the lyrics of many contemporary songs and old songs are transcribed to music poems of famous poets. Moreover, music allows you to create the desired emotional background for literature club. [12] Many of the songs and poems of Koltsov set to music by Alexander Dargomyzhsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, MP Mussorgsky, MA Balakirev and others ...Ivan Savich Nikitin - Russian poet of the nineteenth century, the successor Koltsov, master of Russian poetic landscape, the author of more than 60 songs of poems and songs, of which the best known are "The stars fade and die away," "In the fire cloud", "white vapor spreads out across the meadows" "In the mirror water, on curls willow" "From dawn red light pours", "Dormant sensitive reed", "Calm - solitude around," "A little conspicuous dewy path", "bush hurt shoulder - you suddenly face", "C Silver dew falls upon the leaves. " As a rule, they are not imprinted in the memory and the heart at school and for all. The text, as a formal unit of learning, language, literature, is also an important means of education, one way to adapt to the social environment. According to E. Bayer, "In the course of this work students improve their communication skills, learn to communicate effectively in a research team, increase a sense of responsibility for their work, as well as putting into practice many other forms and methods of socialization. Of course, those children are not familiar with terms such as "socialization," "social adjustment", "self-determination", etc. In addition to age perception of opportunities, we are guided by considerations of pedagogical tact that students did not know that they are not socialized and adapted in society. But even with such ignorance on their part to the impact of our work are as high as the objective need of every child is the need for communication, attention to it from peers and adults ". [2]Books fellow writers such as Ivan Bunin, Andrei Platonov, A. Koltsov, Nikitin, Marshak and others, reveal the beauty of the surrounding nature, of life itself. Literary ethnography brings multimedia thirst for knowledge, generates strong interest in the search for the new, and thus contributes to the development of creative thinking, has an active reader, bibliophile. In conclusion, we conclude that, in the literary study of local lore multimedia not only evaluating a variety of life of the region and its role in society, but also used the opportunity to do useful work. In the process of learning and the transformation of his native land in the alumni allegedly critical patriotism - responsibility for the destiny of the small and large country. At the forefront of regional study highlights the ability of pupils to make sense of what is happening, to see life in its constant development, updating, and thus enables the individual in the process of socialization to determine its path of self-development.
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Abstract. Literary local history in the face of media education becomes a totally new look. More striking and convincing is illustrative, simplifies the process of classification and systematization of a significant number of fast flowing to local historian versatile material. Participation boarding schools pupils in local history work based on the capabilities of media education socialization makes them more harmonious and highly effective.
Keywords: literature, ethnography, media education, presentation, orphans, the pupil, boarding, socialization.
Chajkina Ludmila, a teacher of the Russian language and literture of "Boarding school № 1 for orphans and children left without parental care", an honorary member of the team TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after Maria Shapovalenko", a member of the Russian orphanage’s family.
Latyshev Oleg, real member (an academician) of the International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov, scientific director of the Federal Experiment Russian Academy of Education, PhD, founder and director of TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after Maria Shapovalenko", head of the Russian orphanage’s family. 8-919-246-87-58, 8-918-443-00-43,

дети-сироты, социализация, Чайкина, Латышев, литература, детский дом, социальная адаптация, социальное самоопределение, литературоведение, социально незащищённые дети, самореализация, школа-интернат, литературное краеведение, самостоятельность

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