Dec 03, 2013 19:35

O.Yu. Latyshev
Russian Academy of natural history, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The concept of resilience to the global teaching science has a very broad definition. Meaning only positive properties of the formation of resilience, we see possible to organize a scientific and pedagogical research to explore the possibility of tourist activities to achieve the goal.
Keywords: resilience, tours and tourist activities, education, social integration, regional studies, exercises, local history, social adaptation, socialization.

During the excursion and tourist and local history activities we decided to develop and test the mechanism of cooperation, and enhance continuity of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities. The object of our study - the interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities. A subject - the socialization of orphans means tourist and local history activities. Our tasks are divided into three main parts: legal and organizational, methodological and psycho-educational, financial and economic. There are many vides of challenges for regulation and organization of activities. There is the c reation of a package of legal instruments for the networking of educational institutions in the interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children-orphans and children left without parental care means tourist and local history activities. Improvement of the functioning of the network of educational project "Mariinsky gallery», aimed at the implementation of the model of interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and local history activities. Implementation of new approaches to the organization of the educational process in educational institutions involved in the education project called using distance education technologies. Organization of training of teachers, development of open educational practices and technology, IT competencies. Creation of a system for monitoring the work of the network of educational project "Mariinsky gallery", as well as its management in order to optimize performance in the socialization of children orphaned by means of tourism and regional studies of the interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education. Develop a set of indicators of educational performance of educational institutions using the resources of the educational project "Mariinsky gallery". Improvement of tourism and local history of the experimental work involved in the educational institutions to the planned replenishment "Mariinsky gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko".
1. Bajer E., Latyshev O. Development of talent and vitality of the orphanage
means tourist and local history // Scientific Methodological Bulletin of the telecommunicational educational project TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko». (Электронная версия): [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:
2. Sviridova A., Latyshev O. Media education in the regional practice primary school of the boarding school for orphans // Scientific Methodological Bulletin of the "Mariinsky Gallery named after M.D. Shapovalenko». (Электронная версия): [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

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Фамилия, имя, отчество Латышев Олег Юрьевич
Ученая степень, специальность кандидат филологических наук
Ученое звание Академик, профессор, Doctor of Sciense, Honoris Causa, заслуженный работник науки и образования.
Место работы Российская Академия Естествознания, Международная Академия детско-юношеского туризма и краеведения, Российская Академия образования .
Должность Профессор РАЕ, Председатель Ростовского отделения МАДЮТК, Научный руководитель Федеральных экспериментальных площадок ИСМО РАО.
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социализация., краеведение, Латышев, социальная адаптация, социальное самоопределение, самореализация, туризм, самостоятельность, туристско-краеведческая деятельность

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