Бриджевое, зарисовка из Хорватии, на английском
by KotBasilio
Teams, 2nd seat, game all, I hold:
Not a bad hand at all, so after RHO opens 1NT, I enter the bidding with 2 diamonds that shows this suit and a major -- DONT, 5+4+. An alert from my lady doesn't seem to awake LHO and he passes. My sweetheart jumps to 3 hearts that is to pass-or-correct. After a pass from the NT opener I take a view.
It seems that my partner support in both majors gives our spade game some chances, especially if accompanied by a diamond shortage. I also like to have that singleton king in the closed hand - here it performs much better! So i feel a little greedy and i bid 4 spades not knowing yet that my RHO is holding KQJ10 in spades, for a start.
Still, this leaves a void for my LHO who doesn't sleep anymore now.
He requests explanations for all bids and after some thought produces 5 clubs. My lady and the stoical the RHO pass that to me. I still imagine a diamond shortage and so I dream about 4 or 5 tricks for us! So the double bid is in my hand and this becomes a final contract.
1NT 2d! pass 3h!
pass 4s 5c pass
pass Dbl all pass
Although I expected a diamond lead from my sweetheart, some out-of-nowhere the hearts 6 hits the table. "What is that?" - I think to myself - "my darling is so well-known for absolutely devastating opening leads and now she didn't hit the spot?!". The dummy spreads out:
It's time for me to tremble: not only did i bid a poor game, but also in this contract i can only hope for my singleton king to help me set this one down, except for the case when my partner holding in clubs is exactly Jx -- then i'll soon be writing down -750 here instead of -800 in 4 spades -- not a big saving!
Let's switch to her side to see what's happened. My lady holds:
First, the bid of 3 hearts is hyper-aggressive and she knows it. Second, there's no diamond shortage i dreamed of, silly me! And the third, we have recently discussed some kind of Lightner doubles on game contacts! Since i've depicted a diamonds-spades two-suiter, then maybe probably i ruff a heart?! This idea strategy fascinates her and she starts deciding which heart to lead. Normally she would lead the 5 (3rd / 5th). But now she expects me to ruff immediately and then to make an intelligent decision on which suit to return. We play parity-based Lavintahl, so the 5 would tell me about spade values, while the 6 would mean diamonds. So here it comes - the 6 of hearts...
Now let's switch to the declarer's side. He looks at the contract:
Despite his pass on the first round he's reached a good-looking contract! He quickly glances to our CC to notice the 3rd/5th convention and that makes a good plan: first to knock down my ace of spades to throw away both queen and jack of hearts and then to allow the lovely 987 to do the same with my king of hearts. Moreover, since the heart finess is off then the club finess is on!
So he smoothly goes up with the Ace, smashes my Ace of spades and leads club around only to find himself two down very soon.
=) What can I say?! My lady has made just another killing lead! =)
9732 A8654
K653 42
109 AK642
642 K