1-7-07 ...
1-8-07 Joined Wolfram and Yuuri
at the onsen and teases the mickey out of Wolfram and then emos. >:
1-9-07 'Tards it up with Dee in his football announcement post
with tildes~.
1-10-07 Meets a bunch of the
Sohmas: Shigure, Hatori, and Ayame.
1-11-07 Watches Yuuri flail over getting Wolfram
wedding rings. Also meets Koizumi and Kyon over a game of
1-12-07 SIX MONTH ANNIVERSARYYYYY~! Boggles at Gojyo when
Anko strips for him, and talks to Dee about her 6 monthiversary! Tries to
help an anon in the confessions post. Meets
Darkwing Duck and asks if he knows Donald. |D Talks to
Roy again, too~.
1-13-07 ...