All the Ships Are Left to Rust (6/6)

Sep 10, 2013 19:08

Title: All the Ships Are Left to Rust (6/6)
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Lance/Gwen, Mordred/Kara and slight Gwaine/Morgana
Rating: R
Word Count: 36,689
Warnings: Minor Character death, blood, violence, mental illness
Summary: (Dinotopia AU) The morning had started off innocently enough, then the warning bells start chiming and suddenly Uther’s mortally wounded, Morgana’s missing, and Arthur (read: Merlin) has the survival of the entire island on his shoulders.
A desperate attempt to save Uther's life finds Arthur and Merlin braving the Great Desert for a sorcerer who brings to light a hidden war on magic and when the two return home, it's to discover that the attack on Uther and Morgana's kidnapping were only the tip of the iceberg: there's a force that wants to reunite the tiny island with the outside world but that in itself may lead to the island's downfall.

[ 1] - [ 2] - [ 3] - [ 4] - [ 5] - [ 6]
The following weeks were filled with Merlin getting used to his new positions. Agravaine in particular looked especially sour whenever he glanced to Merlin but seeing that Merlin was never overly fond of the man, he didn’t actually care. Every moment that wasn’t filled by his official duties, he spent pouring over scrolls, trying to find anything to do with magic. They had come to the agreement that Morgana and the others must have escaped into the World Below but…it wasn’t like there were any maps. Logically, they could be anywhere on the island by now.

In addition to trying to figure out how the hell they were going to make everything right, Merlin also had Ganeida to take care of (although Will had pretty much taken over babysitting duties and by this point had stopped pretending to complain) and when he found the time, he wrote letters to Gwaine and Percival who were having an excellent time in Canyon City and were completely oblivious to everything going on.

Arthur and Merlin paid a visit to see the ceremony in Canyon City. To both of their surprise, the pair had befriended a young man, Mordred-whom they had rescued from Uther all those years ago. Gwaine, Percival, and Mordred were to become new guards in Waterfall City and the three-along with their Skybax partners-were beyond themselves with excitement.

However, when they arrived back in Waterfall City, there was a third and final attack on Arthur. It was by far the least effective but it had the greatest ramifications.

Merlin had left him alone for no more than thirty seconds when Arthur was screaming for him. Merlin tore back into his chambers to see Arthur pinning a young woman on the ground-Merlin recognized her from somewhere but couldn’t place where.

“She tried to enchant my sword but I grabbed her before she had the chance.”

The girl didn’t resist, she just lay there as defiant as possible. Suddenly, he realized where he knew her. “Kara?” He had spent hours with her in the hatchery and she never seemed bothered by anything…well…apart from being separated by…Mordred.


Kara was put into the barely-used dungeons overnight with constant guard and Arthur called a meeting the following morning. The previous day, Arthur had stormed around the castle and questioned the girl for hours before disappearing into his chambers with Agravaine.

Gwaine walked to the council chambers with Percival and Merlin. It felt good to have finally proved himself to the island. He had finally become part of this insane world he had been thrust into.

“So. Our first official meeting with the King. It seems like only yesterday that we washed ashore.” Gwaine laughed in the orange light of the morning. Percival offered him a smile but Merlin only shook his head.

“Arthur’s been holed up with Agravaine since the attack. This isn’t going to pleasant.”

Gwaine glanced to him but Merlin didn’t look away from where he was staring at the road ahead. He bit his tongue and stopped joking around. Merlin had been on edge all day and-okay it was totally understandable, some quiet girl from the hatchery had tried to murder the Arthur but… Merlin was acting as if something horrendous was about to happen.

Inside the council chambers, Mordred came to stand next to him. He yawned and tried to cover it up. “Do you know who this girl is?” he asked and Merlin froze next to him. He was watching Mordred with wide eyes and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of Gwaine stomach.

Now that he thought about it…hadn’t Mordred mentioned he had known a girl that worked in the hatchery? Gwaine glanced to Percival but he was talking with Leon quietly, oblivious. No, he probably said she worked in the bakery or something and he was just getting confused now. Gwaine was saved from answering when Arthur walked into the room, followed by his uncle. Arthur looked horrible, like he hadn’t slept at all. However, he strode to the front of the room and stood with his back straight, looking more like a King than Gwaine remembered seeing him.

“As you know, there was another assassination attempt yesterday. Except this time we managed to catch the culprit. She so far has refused to give any information but I’m willing to give her another chance.”

The doors opened again and the girl was marched in.


Gwaine turned to Mordred who had stepped forward. His eyes were locked on the girl, wide, panicked.

Oh. This must be the girl he had talked about so frequently, Kara. Gwaine remained silent. Arthur looked conflicted, good. Merlin looked pained, not so good. Agravaine looked victorious, and that in itself was decidedly terrible.

“Arthur-she wouldn’t. She-“

“Mordred I’m sorry. This has gone on long enough.” Arthur turned his attention onto Kara. “This is your final chance. If you tell us why you did it, I’ll spare your life.”

There was a collective gasp around the room but the girl only lifted her chin. “My only regret is that I didn’t kill you.”

Arthur’s face darkened and he shut his eyes for the briefest of moments. It was clear that he didn’t want to do this. “The execution will be at dawn.”

Gwaine saw the moment something broke inside his friend. The boy exhaled sharply as if he had been physically struck. His eyes, locked on Arthur, held none of the warmth that had been so familiar back during training. His mouth was pressed into a tight frown. His hands were fisted at his sides.

“You’re not going to-“

“I have no other choice

“Arthur.” Merlin spoke up suddenly. “Arthur there hasn’t been an execution in hundreds of years. This isn’t-“

“I have no other choice.” He repeated. No one else spoke up, although it was clear Merlin and Mordred weren’t going to let this go.

Gwaine spent the rest of the day on patrol with Lancelot, and he honestly didn’t know what was going to happen come tomorrow.


Kara was executed in the morning. The entire city was eerily silent for the rest of the day and probably would be for days to come. Merlin had been right; Dinotopia hadn’t had an execution in hundreds of years. It didn’t know how to deal with something like this. Gwaine didn’t like it. Mordred had gone missing sometime after the execution and so he spent the majority of the day searching for him.


He really hadn’t expected anything less.


The next morning, Arthur, Merlin and Agravaine were gone as well.

Will found a note during breakfast that read only: Went after Agravaine and Mordred. None of them could figure out what it meant. Was Arthur with him? Had someone taken Agravaine? Had Mordred taken Agravaine? Had someone taken Mordred?

By the end of the day, Lance, Gwaine and Percival were on their way to the Forbidden Mountains. It was their only lead and there had been enough waiting around the past couple of months. No, they didn’t know what exactly they were in for, but it was better than nothing. Or, at least they hoped.

The following morning Elyan found them and they diverted their path north. Merlin had sent another letter asking them to meet them in Pooktook which…okay that made just about as much sense as everything else (which was none at all). Pooktook was in the northwest part of the island so…Oh of course. Of course they had something to do with whatever had had the carnivores in the Basin so worked up. They met up with Gwen, Will and Lancelot on the road because apparently Lancelot couldn’t talk the other two out of coming with them. When Gwaine saw the angry looks on their faces, he couldn’t really fault him.

As soon as they arrived in the city, Merlin grabbed them and pulled them into the room he and Arthur were rending at the inn. He quickly explained that no one could know the king was here but that was it before they opened the door and Arthur began shouting about Will and Gwen being there. Their argument lasted for a grand total of about fifteen minutes before Arthur finally just gave up.

“They’re building a ship.”

“Okay, what? Isn’t that the one basic principle of the island? It’s physically impossible to leave?”

“Yes but-“

“Nimueh and Morgause found a way to harness the power of the sun stones to enable them to do so. It’ll power their ship and then all they really need to do is blast their way through the coral reef-“

“But if they do that then they’ll open our seas to the outside and-“

Arthur’s frown became more pronounced on his face. “Yeah. I mean, they want to leave because Uther’s been…he’s been killing people.”

“No.” Gwen gasped, “Someone would have-We’ve been-“

Merlin shook his head. “Magic-users have been gathering here for the past couple of months. It’s all true. I’ve spoken to them.”

“Going to the tavern was finally useful. They’re planning on escaping.”

“Even the…non-human magic users?”

Arthur nodded.

“And where do they think they’re going to go?”

“They’re desperate.” Was the only answer they got.

“So-you’re the king. Just go out there and tell them you’re not going to have them killed. I mean-show them Merlin. He uses magic and you’re not going to have him killed anytime soon.”

“That’s all well and good, except-Kara.” Arthur put his head in his hands and Merlin looked away like they had this conversation a hundred times already. “Agravaine had me convinced that they attacks would stop when they realized I wasn’t to be messed with.”

“But…Agravaine’s working with them.” Lancelot said quietly and everyone looked at him.

Arthur nodded and Gwen’s hands flew up to cover her mouth. He just sighed. “He played me like a fool. But he’s not magic. Merlin-Merlin caught up with him and Mordred. Agravaine’s not magic. Mordred is. Kara was, obviously. I…Everyone thinks I’m worse than my father.”

“So…what? What are we supposed to do?”

“We’re going to go to Morgana. We’ve got to convince her. She’s not happy about this. She’s scared.”


Arthur sat up straighter, “We can’t all go. We’ll be spotted for sure but…”

“I’m not letting you go face them alone.” Leon protested immediately.

Elyan nodded his head in agreement with him and added, “There’s power in numbers.”

“Morgana will listen to me!” Gwen insisted and Arthur put his hands in his face.

“Let’s not waste any more time.” Merlin said quietly. He reached onto the bed and grabbed a cloak which he threw at Arthur.

“C’mon. Word’s probably gotten out by now, what with the Skybaxes and everything, but we should still keep you hidden just in case.”

Arthur pulled on the cloak and led them from the room silently.


“Okay. So. What’s the plan?” Elyan asked as they slipped from the city, heading along the shore into the woods. The ship was in a cove somewhere head of them. Arthur and Merlin had both seen it the previous night.

“Don’t die.” Arthur said and at first they thought he was joking.

He wasn’t.

Just when they could see the cove and the impressively massive ship though the trees, they were ambushed. A man came crashing out from the underground and Arthur barely had time to pull his sword out before he was on top of him. Will, however, was quicker on the draw. He had a tree branch in his hands and used it to strike the attacker in the head.

“That’s twice I’ve saved your live now, Pendragon!” He smirked even as he turned around and stared down their other attackers. Merlin had most of them blasted back but Gwaine and Leon were still fighting with a stegosaurs.

“Well stop before you get yourself killed!” Arthur retorted.

“Most people just say thank you!”

Before the others could get back onto their feet, Gwen gave a cry of, “Morgana!” and everyone turned to see Morgana, Agravaine and Morgause approaching from the direction of the cove.

“Oh look, they brought more friends this time!” Morgause crooned.

“Gwen? What are you doing here?” Morgana asked and Morgause placed her hand on her arm.

“No doubt they’re using her to trick you into trusting them again.”

“Morgana.” Gwen began immediately, “You have to listen. Arthur isn’t your father.”

“Killing Kara was a mistake.” Arthur interrupted.

Agravaine laughed, “Oh come on, you aren’t even trying. Look at you. You came here with your guard to stop us.”

“Arthur, we just want to be able to live in peace.” His sister spoke softly, trying to make him understand.

“And you will!”

“Silence!” Morgause stretched out her hand and her eyes glowed gold.

Will groaned and dropped to the ground. Merlin spun around towards him and Morgause took advantage of his distraction and threw a spell at Merlin. It hit him square in the chest before anyone could do so much as shout out a warning, the blow sent him crashing into the ground. Arthur held his sword out in front of him as he raced to Merlin’s side.

“Stop it!” Morgana begged suddenly, her eyes wide. She stepped in front of the pair. “Let them speak!”

“So they can tell you more lies?”

Morgana hesitated for a moment, but when she drew herself up, her eyes wide and nostrils flaring, she was decided. “We cannot condemn then without hearing them out. We are not Uther.”

Arthur looked towards Will’s crumpled form. Gwen and Lance were closest to him, Lance had his sight locked on the others but Gwen’s eyes kept darting to Will. She shuffled towards him with miniscule steps, trying to hide her actions behind Morgana. Will started to stir and she knelt down next to him. She murmured to him quietly, assuring him he was okay.

“Go ahead.” Morgause spoke, “I’d rather not have to kill all of them if we are to stay.”

“Stay?” Agravaine asked. “We’re leaving as soon as the ship is finished.”

Morgause spared him a glance, “That has always been a last resort. We only said that if we couldn’t take over the throne.”
A dark look came over Agravaine’s face and he moved faster than any of them thought possible.

“What?” The word fell from Morgana’s lips without her realizing. Motionless, the color drained from her face and she scarcely dared breath. Agravaine stood triumphant and Morgause…Morgause was slumped on the ground, the hit of a sword protruding from her chest. Fury overcame her instantly, “What are you thinking? What have you done?” she screamed and dropped to Morgause’s side.

“I won’t allow for my plans to be ruined.” He snapped and then added in a gentler tone, “I’m just looking out for you.”

“Arthur said that-“

“Arthur is a liar like his father.”

But Morgana wasn’t listening any longer. Morgause had stopped breathing. The princess looked up to her uncle and then rose sharply. “Morgana.” Agravaine attempted to “Don’t do this.”

Arthur left Merlin’s side and went to stand next to his sister. “Stand, down, Agravaine. You’re outnumbered.”

“Am I?” he asked and gestured to the men and dinosaurs that surrounded them. The guards had their swords drawn and stood in a half-circle around Will, Gwen, and Merlin.

Morgana glanced to Arthur and then pushed him aside. For one wild moment, he thought she was going to stand next to Agravaine again but instead she raced past them. Merlin shot to his feet and chased after her. Arthur went to follow but Agravaine blocked his path.

“Arthur!” Gwaine shouted but Agravaine was moving too fast. There was a glint of silver in his hand.

Gwaine and Elyan both lunged forward but there was a flurry of movement in Arthur’s peripheral vision and Gwen shouted, “Stop!” She had a pistol Gwaine was vaguely certain was too rusted to work pointed at the man. Agravaine smirked and moved towards Arthur. There was a flash and a bang and Agravaine was suddenly on the ground, clutching his shoulder. Gwen breathed heavily and stepped forwards, pistol still pointed at the man. Gwaine decided that there must be some sort of sorcery going on, even if both Merlin and Morgana were still noticeably absent. He didn’t want to think about the implications. He didn’t want to think about Merlin having to fight on his own.


“Morgana!” Merlin called as he chased after her. She didn’t look back or respond. She just kept running through the woods. Merlin followed her all the way down into the cove and onto the nearly completed ship. It was deserted except for Nimueh and Mordred. They were looking at a sun stone on a pedestal in the middle of the deck.

“Nimueh.” Morgana stormed onto the deck. When Nimueh saw Merlin, her gaze darkened and she swept in front of the stone. Mordred remained where he was, confused.

“What are you doing with him?”

“Agravaine killed Morgause.”

Nimueh didn’t appear all that surprised. “He’s very dedicated to getting off the island.”

“The outside world isn’t going to react kindly to dinosaurs suddenly arriving.”

“That’s why we were discussing some of us staying here.” Merlin looked to her. She glanced to Morgana and a smirk formed on her face. She turned to the sun stone. “Did you know, that sun stones can be used to see the future?”

“They, what?” Mordred asked, glancing to Merlin.

“Here. I’ll show you.” Nimueh’s eyes glowed and then the crystal came to life. Merlin and Morgana inched closer. Merlin only had the chance to see what looked like a fleet of ships approaching the island before Nimueh chuckled and he was suddenly thrown back across the deck. Mordred looked up sharply and took a step back but Morgana didn’t move. She was transfixed on the sun stone, horrified. Nimueh stepped around her.

“What are you doing?” Mordred demanded but the woman just ignored him.

“Mordred I have waited twenty years to get off this island. You’re not going to ruin this now. Morgana can stay. You can convince the people that magic isn’t something to be hunted. But I-and whoever else wants to-are leaving. This island is a prison. I am leaving.”

“You can’t.” Morgana’s voice shook.

Nimueh glanced to her and Merlin lifted his hand to throw a spell. Nimueh knocked him backwards again without looking at him. “Morgana, what are you talking about?”

“The sun stone. If you leave then they will find the island. They will find us and they will destroy us.”

“We won’t tell about the island.”

“No. Nimueh. What are you going to do when you show up in the new land completely ignorant of everything? They’ll find this island. We can’t let that happen.”

“No!” The woman’s eyes turned gold and she swept her hand out, knocking both Mordred and Morgana back. “I can do this without you. I already have the sunstone. I don’t need you any longer.”

Behind her Merlin was on his feet. “Nimueh.” He warned but the woman stalked over to the sun stone. She held it in her hands and the air around her ripped with magic.

“I am leaving this godforsaken island.”

“Please.” Morgana begged but Nimueh sent a yellow bolt of magic at her. She dove out of the way but it stuck her in the leg.
“Morgana!” Mordred called and he hurled flames towards Nimueh. His magic was absorbed by the sun stone. The magic in the air intensified. Merlin sent a blue ball of pure power directly at the sun stone and it cracked slightly. He grinned at his luck. Across the way, Morgana saw the same thing. She glanced to Mordred and then shot magic to Nimueh.

The woman had a wild smile on her face. “Keep it up, you’re only making me stronger. The more magic you waste, the more powerful the sun stone becomes” She hurled an energy ball towards Mordred and who threw up a shied but still skidded across the deck and crashed into the railing. He didn’t move again. Merlin and Morgana met each other’s eye and then through attacks directly at the sun stone together. Nimueh glanced down and seemed to realize something was wrong a moment before the world exploded.


Lancelot held Gwen to him, she was shaking uncontrollably. The men and dinosaurs that had been at Agravaine’s command were speaking with the guards quietly. Arthur and Will knelt by Agravaine who lay dead on the floor. Everything was still for a moment and then Arthur stood. “We have to go after Merlin and my sister.”

The words had no sooner left his lips then the area was torn about with a loud explosion. The ground beneath their feet shook. Arthur and Will raced towards the cove, the others followed behind.

They reached the water’s edge the same time Merlin and Morgana were dragging an unconscious Mordred from the water. The area was covered in the wreckage of the ship.

“Fucking hell Merlin!” came Arthur’s voice, loud and sharp, but he was mostly concerned with the fact Merlin was okay. Merlin smiled at him and the relief on Arthur face vanished instantly. Merlin and Morgana gently put Mordred down on the ground where Gwaine and Percival rushed to his side. Arthur went straight to Merlin. He put his hands on either side of his face, his thumb moving against his cheek. “Are you alright?” Merlin shook his head but was unable to meet Arthur’s eyes. “Merlin?”

“Nimueh’s dead.”

Arthur didn’t say anything for a long moment but when he did it was only to ask again if he was alright.

“I’m fine. We destroyed a sunstone though.”

“That was you destroying a sun stone?”

“I had help.” Arthur kept an arm around Merlin as he turned to Morgana but Merlin squirmed away and Arthur let him go as the woman took a few shaky steps towards him.

“Morgana…” Arthur’s voice was rough and he shifted with a wince on the ground. “I’m so sorry. And…for-Agravaine too. I saw you when he…”

“You’d think I’d be used to betrayal by now.”

“Father never-“

“I was supposed to kill him. At the beginning I went into his chambers to kill him. But then when I saw the way he reacted to my magic…I panicked. I couldn’t do it. I ran. And then I convinced Agravaine and Morgause to let me be the one to capture you. Only, only I couldn’t stand to see that same look of disgust and horror on your face as well and so I used a sword and kept my powers hidden.”

“And then you took Merlin instead.”

“I didn’t know. Morgause and Nimueh had him. I, I just wanted the people being prosecuted to be able to go someplace safe.”
“Here. We will make this island safe for them. It’s what father should have done in the first place.”

Lancelot made his way over to them. Gwen was with Will, holding onto him like a lifeline. “Agravaine’s dead as well.” Lancelot leaned in close, “Gwen, she…she shot him. That’s why she’s so shaken.”

Grief washed over Morgana’s face and then she moved away from them and went over to Gwen.

“So…that’s it then.” Arthur sighed. “I just have to go make things right with my people.”

“Not quite.” Merlin’s eyes were on the horizon. “I have an idea.”


Merlin’s idea, brought up only after Mordred was awake, was to use another sunstone to heighten his, Mordred’s and Morgana’s magic to create an impossible barrier around the island. They would make it so that no one would ever be able to sail to the island or away from it. No one looked very comfortable with the idea but it really wouldn’t change anything. It had already been nearly impossible to leave the island, they were just making it a bit more…official.

Merlin stood in front of the sunstone, Morgana and Mordred at his side, a mere twenty four hours later. Altogether, it took thirty six hours and no less than seventeen arguments-six of which were with Arthur who was supposed to be a hundred miles away in Waterfall City ruling the island.

But Merlin’s idea worked.

Storms would forever more rage constantly around the island, the seas will never be still. The coral reefs had been raised for good measure as well. No creature would be able to get in or out. They may have hidden themselves from the outside world, but they had also hidden the outside world from them. This nightmare would never repeat itself. But change wasn’t going to come all at once. The land was in some ways in more unrest than ever. Those who hadn’t known about magic didn’t trust it and those with magic didn’t fully trust Arthur. Morgana, Merlin and Mordred all came forward with having magic, which helped a bit. It was slow going but they were confident everything would work itself out.


“For a while there I was afraid we were headed the same way as Atlantis.” Elyan joked as they all sat inside Gaius’ chambers. The troodon had disappeared a while ago with a fond smile. Will and Mordred were also absent. Will because he had a date (a charming blond girl named Adele who, as it turned out, was the reason he was still in the city at all). Mordred, while he supported Arthur as his king, would never forgive him for Kara and only interacted with him when it was necessary.

“Atlantis?” Percival questioned and Gwaine groaned, “Don’t tell me…”

“Ogthar tried to take over, there were metal dinosaurs involved but my great-great grandfather Brutus stopped them.”

“Of course.” Gwaine sighed but when Arthur looked at him questioningly, he just shook his head and raised his eyebrows and pretended to not have said anything.

Morgana smirked, “Come on, you said you’d buy me a drink.” Tugging at Gwaine, Morgana stood from the table and made her way to the door.

Leon glanced at Arthur, “Should we warn him?”

“No. Morgana can take care of herself.” Arthur went back to where he was playing (losing to) Merlin in chess but after a moment glanced up to the door. “But maybe…Elyan, maybe you could…”

“Relax, Arthur.” Percival laughed from where he and Ganeida were sitting playing with some blocks. The triceratops was nearly half the size of Merlin now and had taken to knocking into things whenever she didn’t get her way and then acting like it was an accident.

“Actually, if you want we can go down later. We can play dice if you like.” Merlin offered and then added with a smile, “You can try to win back the money you lost to me last time.” Arthur laughed sarcastically, which made him smile and after everything, that was enough.

morgana/gwaine, arthur/merlin, fanfic: merlin, kara/mordred, fic: all the ships, lancelot/gwen

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