All the Ships Are Left to Rust (5/6)

Sep 10, 2013 19:06

Title: All the Ships Are Left to Rust (5/6)
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Lance/Gwen, Mordred/Kara and slight Gwaine/Morgana
Rating: R
Word Count: 36,689
Warnings: Minor Character death, blood, violence, mental illness
Summary: (Dinotopia AU) The morning had started off innocently enough, then the warning bells start chiming and suddenly Uther’s mortally wounded, Morgana’s missing, and Arthur (read: Merlin) has the survival of the entire island on his shoulders.
A desperate attempt to save Uther's life finds Arthur and Merlin braving the Great Desert for a sorcerer who brings to light a hidden war on magic and when the two return home, it's to discover that the attack on Uther and Morgana's kidnapping were only the tip of the iceberg: there's a force that wants to reunite the tiny island with the outside world but that in itself may lead to the island's downfall.

[ 1] - [ 2] - [ 3] - [ 4] - [ 5] - [ 6]

“We’ve decided to go to Canyon City.”

Merlin turned to him, the week old, Ganeida in his arms. “Elyan and Lance have finally convinced you?”


“It’s going to be quiet around here without you two.”

Percival laughed sharply, “Yeah I’m sure. Because we’re the ones causing all the trouble.”

“Well then, you can watch Ganeida for the afternoon. She’s going to miss you two, you know.” Gwaine and Percival (and Will who had still not left) had become sort of babysitters for the young triceratops while Merlin and Gaius were out. At first the two were dead set against it but eventually warmed up to her. And by warmed up to her, she had completely stolen their hearts and there wasn’t much to be done after that.

Percival and Gwaine left two days later, both of them pretending not to be tearful when they said goodbye to Ganeida (because she was a triceratops who couldn’t speak and they had known for a week). Merlin promised to write to let them know how she was doing and then just like that they were off. Will immediately celebrated by claiming Percival’s bed as his own and ignored Merlin’s questions on when he was going back home.


Three weeks later there was another attack on Arthur.


Merlin grimaced as he swallowed another spoonful of leek soup. It was the fourth time had had this for supper in just as many days and he was sick and tired of it. Gaius’ smile was fond and he shook his head. Good, at least someone was enjoying his suffering. Next to him, Will looked just as disappointed in his supper.

The door to their chambers burst open and Merlin dropped his spoon in surprise. Leon stood in the doorway, horrorstricken. Jumping to his feet, Merlin barely acknowledged knocking his chair over. Something had happened to Arthur. He could read it plain as day on his face.

“Arthur’s been attacked.”

The words had barely left the guard’s mouth when Merlin squeezed past him out of the room. “Where is he?”

“His chambers.”

Merlin didn’t think, didn’t breathe, didn’t realize the castle was in an uproar around him. Leon chased after him but if he tried to speak the words fell on deaf ears. Had Arthur’s chambers always been this far? Was it some kind of magic that made the halls stretch?

The pair rounded a corner and were instantly pushed back by a figure in red. As Merlin collided with the wall, he saw the blond hair and sighed in relief. Arthur.

“Wait!” Lancelot’s voice echoed down the hall after him but Merlin didn’t look towards him. Arthur hadn’t stopped after colliding with them and Merlin gave chase. The king had a sword in his hand. He was on the warpath. He was after whoever had attacked him.
Merlin followed Arthur to the courtyard where the king was forced to give up the chase. Lancelot grabbed him and manhandled him back inside with Merlin’s help. Leon stood on guard next to them. “I’m banning cloaks.” Arthur shouted as people scurried around him. “It was one person. They had a sword.”

“They bested you in a fight?” Merlin asked and Arthur spun to look at him as if noticing him for the first time.

“Only for a moment.” Arthur was back to shouting a moment later and Lance touched Merlin’s elbow to let him know he was there. Merlin caught Lance’s eye and nodded towards the door. He looked confused but nodded at him. The two walked down the hall and then turned the corner. There was no one down here, they were all rushing around the front of the castle. An idea was formulating in Merlin’s mind and he didn’t like it at all.

“Who’s the only person you know who’s ever bested Arthur in a fight?” his voice was nothing more than a whisper and Lance had to lean forward to hear him.

He considered him for a long moment. Then he spoke and his voice was hesitant, “Morgana.”


Lance continued watching him and then he looked around, moving his head closer to his, “You don’t think she was kidnapped?” Merlin’s expression didn’t betray what he was thinking but Lance narrowed his eyes at the thought, “But why?”

“Maybe she found out about Uther’s war on magic.”

“We don’t even know if it’s for sure.”

“It’s the only thing that’s making any kind of sense right now. Somehow she must have found out and was disgusted by it and this is her trying to stop it. And she wouldn’t have told anyone about her plan because I’m sure all of her assumptions about went out the door when she realized what Uther was doing.”

“Assumption about what?”

The pair jumped at the new voice and Gwen lifted her hands to show she hadn’t meant to scare them. Merlin threw his head back, resting it on the cool stone wall and Lancelot just sighed.

“I think Morgana is part of this.” Merlin groaned.

Gwen’s eyes went wide and she glanced behind him worriedly, “W-what makes you say that?”

Arthur moved around the corner and anything Merlin was about to say instantly died on his lips. Gwen and Lance looked guilty but Merlin had the audacity to look at him like he was ruining something.

“Arthur-“ Lance gasped and Merlin’s expression turned into worry.

“You think Morgana did this? You think Morgana stabbed our father?”

“Arthur-“ Merlin blurted out but Lance and Gwen both reached out and grabbed his arms. They began speaking over each other at the same time.


“No one knows what to think-“

“And how do I know it wasn’t you? That you haven’t been working as a spy for magic. How do I know you haven’t weaseled your way into becoming my manservant to keep track of me?”

He looked as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Merlin drew himself back, his eyes wide and furious. “If you really think that. You’re thicker than I thought.”

“Merlin. Get out.” Arthur couldn’t deal with this right now. Couldn’t handle him glaring at him, looking so hurt under his rage.
Merlin didn’t need to be told twice. The man stormed down the hall, leaving Lancelot and Gwen shell-shocked and wondering what the hell went wrong. Arthur turned to storm off in the other direction when he was forced to stop.

There was a crash and a shattering of glass from the hall Merlin disappeared down and Gwen swore darkly under her breath as she pushed her way between Arthur and Lancelot. She ran down the hall and when she looked around the corner, she froze. Her eyes were wide and fearful. Lance ran after her and Arthur followed a moment later after muttering, for Christ sake, Merlin, under his breath.

Arthur placed a hand on Gwen’s shoulder as he came to a stop next to her and looked down the hall. There was so sign of Merlin. Only a broken window and torn tapestry. Glass covered the floor, reflecting the moonlight innocently. The three rushed forwards together. “Someone pulled him out the window. He wasn’t conscious. I didn’t see-“ Her words fell from her lips in a desperate sort of panic. Before Arthur had a chance to look out the window, Gwen had a foot on the ledge and, heedless to the broken glass, pulled herself up. Through a gap at her side Arthur could see cloaked figures running down the street. Merlin was thrown over the shoulder of one of them, body limp.

“Merlin? Merlin!”

Of course he wasn’t working with them. Of course he would never betray him. Of course Merlin would somehow get himself kidnapped when he was out of sight for no more than ten seconds. The rest of the castle was awake but of course they would in the one deserted portion and there was no one around to stop this. Arthur was an idiot and if anything happened to him it would be his fault.

Gwen jumped down, giving chase. Although what good that would do was beyond him, she was weaponless. Arthur climbed through the window after her. He ignored the glass cutting into his palms and tore after the woman. He overtook her after they reached the end of the first block but he could see Merlin in the distance. Arthur raced after him, only dimly aware of Lance and Gwen behind him, down street after street. The figures seemed to always be one step ahead of him and soon he was only catching glimpses of their cloaks around corners.

Then Arthur skidding around the next corner and came face to face with a dead end. There were no doorways or windows and only three smooth walls twenty feet high with no way to scale them. He stood in the empty street, breathing heavy. Damn it all to hell.

Merlin was gone.


“Morning, Merlin.”

With a small hiss of pain, Merlin pushed himself away from the origin of the voice. Shit, shit, shit. He was so fucked. He couldn’t remember how he got here but, squinting in the light, yep that was Nimueh smiling down at him. Brilliant.

“I hope you’re comfortable. Sorry about the chains but I can’t have you using your magic and running everything, can I? We were originally planning on killing-well, for dear Morgana’s sake we said kidnapping-Arthur, but this works just as well. He’ll no doubt come after you and when he does, we’ll be waiting.”

“What makes you think he’ll come after me?” They were sitting in a caravan, Nimueh on a seat, Merlin on the floor. His world swayed side to side so he could only assume that they were moving. Not good. However, he was pretty sure that Nimueh was the only one with him. That he could probably work with if he ever got his hands unbound. Where the metal met his skin burned honestly that was the least of his problems. He’s had worse than a couple of burns.

Nimueh seemed to be enjoying their conversation. She sat with her chin propped up on her hand and her eyes never left him. “He’s Arthur Pendragon. You’re Merlin Emyrs. The pair of you have been at each other side since you were children. Your destinies are so intertwined that I almost feel sorry for you. You have hardly any free will, any chance to become something on your own. You’re forced to play idiot servant when really you should be ruling as his equal.”

“Hate to break it to you but he’s not too fond of me at the moment.”

“That’s just how he shows he cares.”

The woman had the most infuriatingly self-assured smile. The last time they met, she had been certain she had the upper hand as well and…well, she kinda did. Merlin had nearly lost both his mother and Gaius trying to save Arthur’s life. Even when he came out victorious, Nimueh had slipped away as if everything had gone according to her plan. It was as if she had been testing him and nothing more.

Merlin pulled against the chains. If he could just squeeze his hand out, he could work the rest of them off. Nimueh continued speaking suddenly and this time it wasn’t so conversational. “I haven’t told the others about you.” He could almost taste the sneer.

“Am I supposed to say thanks?”

There was a small huff of laughter, “I haven’t told them because I want you all to myself. The foolish manservant who conceals such power. We would have been great together.”

“We’ve sort of been over this already. Or have you forgotten?”

“You get that mouth from your father, you know.”

Wait, wait, hold up. What? Merlin twisted so that he could look the brunette in the eye. Her smirk stretched wide, her eyes dark.
“He chose Uther even after everything, even after he forced him away from his wife and child. He chose to hide himself away from everyone instead of joining the resistance.”


“When Ygraine was killed, Uther declared war on magic because your father and I failed to protect her. He killed innocent men, women and children because of a decision he made. He was the one to insist on going through the Basin. He knew perfectly well that if we were to be attacked, there would be nothing we could do. There were not enough of us and with her newborns…” Her voice trailed off, completely lost in her memories. Merlin pulled at the chains, but he still couldn’t get his wrist out. Shit, so…they were right. Uther was…shit. “With Ygraine gone, there was nothing left for me on the island. I wanted off and off I will get.”

“You don’t have to kill Arthur to leave.”

“Some of us are having second thoughts. The argument is that we shouldn’t be forced to flee from our home.”

“And-what? You think that by telling me this I’ll want to help you?”

“No, Merlin. You are much too much like your father. I have no delusions to the role you play in this.” Nimueh laughed and stretched her hand out towards him.

It was the last thing Merlin saw before his world erupted into fire and darkness.


Merlin opened his eyes to an empty caravan that was freezing cold. Sitting up quickly and ignoring the way his head pounded, he desperately tugged at his wrists. They had gone numb at some point. The carriage was no longer moving and he could hear nothing but-

Someone was approaching the carriage. Deliberate crunching steps sounded from right behind him. He looked to the mouth of the carriage and squinted in the bright light. Where were they it was almost as if--

A head appeared and Merlin gasped-mutely he realized he could see his breath but-there was a Smilodon staring at him. An honest to god, saber tooth tiger and Merlin was silently thankful for the fact that Lancelot wasn’t here. When he had arrived on the island he had been more frightened by tales of Smilodons than anything the Basin contained. It was cold and bright because they were in the Forbidden Mountains. He tried to piece together how they had gotten so far but it was all a haze. His entire body ached, his arms shook as they strained against his bond. He didn’t know what Nimueh had done to him but he felt two steps away from death.

“Come with me. We don’t have much time.” The Smilodon whispered at him. “Hurry! Or do you enjoy being a prisoner?”

Merlin didn’t need to be told twice, he pushed himself up, and half crawled, half stumbled to the exit of the caravan. When he tried to climb down, his knees gave way and he rolled from it, dropping four feet to the ground. His fall was cushioned by snow.

The Smilodon nudged him with her head, prompting him to get to his feet. His teeth were already chattering and he was fairly certain his knees were about to give way again. He managed four steps before his world lurched forward.


Merlin awoke to darkness and a warm body at his side. A groan escaped his lips as he tried to move but with a start he realized his wrists were no longer bound together. The soft lump next to him shifted and then there was a whisper of, “Are you alright?”

The only thing Merlin could feel was a dull throbbing throughout his body, but considering the last thing he remembered was passing out in the snow next to a Smilodon he figured he was doing pretty damn well. He had half expected to either be eaten alive or frozen to death so yeah, he wasn’t going to complain. Merlin forced himself to sit up, still helpless but to lean on his savior. By the moonlight he could see her sharp teeth and of course it was the Smilodon.

“Thank you.” His voice was hoarse and he coughed pathetically.

“My name’s Freya.” She moved so that she could look at him properly.


“Why did she have you prisoner?”

“She tried to use me to get to someone.”

Freya didn’t say anything and Merlin wasn’t sure if she just didn’t know what to say or if she wanted him to continue. Instead he shifted so he was sitting up better. “It’s so cold.”

“I’m sorry. This is the best I could do…”

“If I do something, will you promise not to freak out?”

“Something like what?” Her tone was guarded and Merlin found himself smiling at her.

“Just make a fire it’s-“

“You can hardly move and there’s nothing to start a fire with in here.”

“I don’t need anything.” Merlin cupped both of his hands and whispered the spell under his breath.

The fire danced over his hands and Freya’s eyes widened in wonder. “That’s amazing.”

“Really? You’re not surprised?”

“Nimueh killed my parents and when she did she used magic.”

Cold flooded Merlin, “I can stop if you want.”

“No, no. I’m okay with magic. I know it exists. It’s a tool.”

Merlin relaxed against her again and gently placed the small fire on the floor in front of him where it burned quietly. “My father was killed a few months ago. At first I didn’t know why but now I think Nimueh was behind it.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Merlin shook his head, “It’s alright. I didn’t know him much anyway.” His voice trailed off and then he gave a small laugh. “Actually it’s funny. Nimueh told me exactly what her plan was. Before we had no idea. I didn’t even know that Uther had been waging war on magic.”

“He what?”

“Yeah. And there I was smack dab in the middle of Waterfall City since I was a child. My mother had it drilled inside my head that my magic had to be kept a secret. She never said why. I wonder if she knows.”

“Merlin.” Freya said suddenly, “You should try to get some rest, okay. You’re exhausted and your hands are still shaking.”

Merlin moved to get more comfortable and must have dozed immediately off at her command because the next thing he knew he was waking up to the sun shining at the mouth of the cave a Freya was gone. He pushed himself up; his hands were shaking only slightly now and he thought it was mostly from the cold. His entire body ached but he didn’t feel quite as close to death as he did yesterday. He lit a fire and was warming his hands when Freya came back with berries for him. He ate them greedily and then turned to her, serious. “I have to get back.”

Freya just nodded. “She’s planning on using you to lure someone to her. You don’t actually have to be with her for that to work. You just have to be missing. The closest town is an hour from here. Can you walk?”

“I’ll be fine.”

Merlin let the fire go out and he stood with Freya’s help. She watched him closely but managed to not repeat the previous day’s pathetic attempt at walking. He didn’t pass out once. The two set off at a slow pace. For when he had done better than yesterday, he was still sore and shaky and kept his hand on Freya’s shoulder to keep him steady.

The two were hyper-aware of every noise in the frigid mountainside but even so, not even a half hour into their trek, Freya was suddenly knocked forwards and Merlin crashed into the ground.

“Freya!” Merlin gasped and pushed himself up on adrenaline alone. When he started towards her, his entire body felt like it was suddenly aflame and when he screamed, Freya’s cries echoed his. He collapsed back to the ground and the next thing he knew, Nimueh was standing above him. There was another woman standing slightly behind her.

“Morgause, take care of the cat.”

Merlin trashed around in a panic on the ground, “No-please don’t.” He begged. Freya had nothing to do with this she had only tried to help him. Don’t let her die for helping him. He reached desperately for his magic but Nimueh just knelt down next to him.

“Not so fast.” She smirked and chains snaked their way around his wrists once more.

“Take me back. Just please let her go.”

Only, Morgause was already walking back towards them and Freya’s cries no longer echoed across the mountainside.

“No.” Merlin breathed and then his body swelled with anger. He screamed at the pair of them, pulled at the chains, willing his magic to overpower the bonds and set him free by determination alone. The two women looked at each other, bored and then the blonde-Morgause, stretched a hand out and Merlin’s world went black again.


The message had come three days after Merlin was kidnapped.

It had come in an unassuming scroll delivered with the rest of the post, between reports from towns on the other side of the island and updates on the city’s food stores. Arthur read it once, twice, and then a third time before rushing out of his chambers and down the hall. He nearly barreled into Elyan but both men managed to stay on their feet.

“What’s the rush?” Elyan called after him but Arthur just waved him off with a sorry.

He burst into his Uncle’s chambers, “Can you be in charge for a few days. I have an important matter to attend to.”

If Agravaine was surprised at all, he didn’t show it. He just frowned at him from behind his desk, “Arthur, are you sure this is wise?”

“I have to do this.” He didn’t wait around for his uncle to protest any longer, he just turned and stormed out of his chambers. He stayed long enough for him, Leon and Lancelot to gather their things before they left the city in a rush.

Both of his friends came as soon as he told them it was about Merlin and they asked no questions. Arthur was beside himself with trying to make sense of all of this. Would Morgana be with him as well? Should he have brought more support? But the letter had said come alone and so…Leon and Lancelot would have to make do. He couldn’t leave the city defenseless either. This could very well be a trap but…he couldn’t abandon Merlin, not now when it was all his fault.


They arrived to the Forbidden Mountains in what might possibly be record time but by this time Merlin had been with his captors for nearly two weeks now. It took another whole day of searching to find the cave the letter had mentioned. Leon tried to talk him out of it when they stood in the mouth of the cave but by then all three knew it was much, much too late to turn around. They entered the cave with their swords drawn, walking in silence until they reached an open cavern.

“I thought I asked you to come alone?” A voice echoed throughout the space, but they sounded mostly amused.
Across from them stood three women and slightly behind them lay Merlin. Arthur was so focused on his friend’s crumpled form, that he didn’t notice that Lancelot had grabbed hold of his arm.

“Morgana.” He whispered and Arthur’s eyes darted to where he realized Morgana was one of the three woman.

“She’s working with them.” Arthur blurted out and Lance’s grip on his arm tightened considerably.

“Hello, brother.” Morgana smiled, her chin was raised defiantly and Arthur realized he had absolutely no idea what was going on. But, but that was going to have to be okay. Merlin had said how he thought Morgana had been a part of this and Lancelot had told him how they believed Uther had been persecuting magic-users. And…maybe they were right. They were right about Morgana at least.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because, dear brother. This island has been rotten for long enough.” Her voice trailed off and she suddenly knelt down next to Merlin. “So you’ve finally decided to join us?”

Merlin groaned and tried to push himself up but fell. Arthur saw a glimmer of concern in Morgana’s eyes that was quickly suppressed. “Nimueh.” He groaned again and Morgana glanced over her shoulder. One of the other woman glanced down and her eyes went wide.

“Where are his chains?”

“I took them off. They were burning his wrist and he’s not-“

“You idiot girl!” Nimueh-oh god-Nimueh, the woman who had been friends with his mother?-snapped but Merlin seemed to realize his was unbound and slammed his hand down. The entire cavern shook and the ground beneath the three women lurched upwards, knocking them all away from him. Merlin pushed himself up onto his feet and stumbled blindly across the way to Arthur.

Before he managed to reach them, Morgause was back onto her feet. She threw her hand out, and Arthur saw her eyes glow as she cast a spell.

The spell threw all of them back and Merlin felt the ground before he was violently pulled into the air. His back hit the wall and his was momentarily dazed. Nimueh’s eyes glowed dangerously, her chest heaving with fury, standing next to a shell-shocked Morgana and a furious looking Morgause. “You’re not worth the trouble.”

She slowly started to close her outstretched hand and suddenly Merlin was only behind held up by a grip around his neck. He gasped for breath; his eyes were shut in pain, his hands desperately scratching at the grip around his throat. His feet uselessly tried to find a footing on the cave wall. Arthur moved towards him with a snarl but Merlin’s eyes shot open, glowing gold. Arthur had half a second to realize that close to Merlin was the precise place he shouldn’t be before the wave of energy sent him tumbling backwards. His ears rang but he forced himself to his feet with a single-minded determination that would have made his father proud. He lost the sword but it couldn’t have gone far.

Leon kicked it to him, but as he glanced to his friends slowly getting to their feet he realized how completely useless they were.
However, Merlin was in front of them and something changed in Nimueh’s eyes. Merlin threw a spell towards them and it caught Morgause, sending her crashing into the wall behind her. She crumpled to the ground.

“Arthur, you’ve got to get out of here. Leon, Lance-you two.” Nimueh send a blue wave of magic towards them but Merlin deflected it.

“Not a chance.” Arthur moved to Merlin’s side to support him. His knees where shaking and he looked about ready to collapse. His sword was back in its sheath; utterly useless.

“Nimueh-she needs help.” Morgana’s voice shook with worry. Arthur had no idea who Morgause was.

“There are more important things here, Morgana.”

Merlin casted another spell that caused a portion of the ceiling to fall down on top of them. Nimueh knocked it aside but Morgana held Morgause to her tightly. Her eyes were dark, as if she had had enough. With only a glance to her brother, Morgana spoke softly and then her eyes were gold and the entire cave shook with the force of the spell. Nimueh looked up and then dove for Morgause. She and Morgana lifted her up as chunks of the ceiling rained down. The three women disappeared into a tunnel and Merlin made to run after them but Lance and Arthur both pulled him back. The room was still shaking and more and more rocks were falling.

“It’s going to collapse.” Leon shouted and the four raced back the way they had come.

They didn’t stop until they were in the bright sunlight. Merlin groaned and buried his head in Arthur’s shoulder. Lance chuckled and then pulled Leon in the direction of where they had hidden their supplies.

After a minute, Merlin lifted his head and searched Arthur’s face. He sighed and then his entire body tensed up. “Oh god. I didn’t know what else to do. Are you hurt? I saw you hit the ground and oh god-“ The words fell from Merlin’s lips and he reached up to feel the back of Arthur’s head where he had struck the ground. Arthur inhaled sharply at the pain but when he swatted Merlin’s hands away, there was no blood on his fingers. The lack of blood seemed to calm Merlin down considerably, his shoulders sank and he let out a breath.

“We have to go after them. The only reason we even got out is because Morgana-Morgana caused the cave to collapse because she was worried about Morgause, whoever the hell she is but-“

“No, we have to get you out of here.”

“What? Arthur, you know we have to go after them.”

“You look like you’re about the collapse."

“Yeah but the island is much more important than me.” Merlin gave a small self-deprecating laugh and a flippant smile and Arthur grabbed the back of Merlin’s head, pulling him in and crashing their lips together. Merlin’s hands grabbed the front of Arthur’s shirt and kissed him back with a ferocity that betrayed how close Arthur had actually been to losing him. Arthur just held him tighter, pressing their bodies together as if he were trying to merge them into one singular being so he could always be there to protect him. Merlin broke away from the kiss first, and turned to looked behind him, back towards the mouth of the cave. Arthur pressed kisses into the crook of Merlin’s neck. One for how stupid they had been. One in apology for telling him to leave back at the castle. Another for not being able to catch up with his captors. Two for the paleness of his skin and the way his hands shook.

“Where are the others?” Merlin asked.

“What are you talking about? Lance and Leon went to go get our things.”

“And everyone else?”

“Didn’t bring anyone else. Just them.”

Merlin pushed Arthur away, looking offended, “Arthur, you really are insane, aren’t you? You’re King and yet you ride off with only Lance and Leon?”

“I was in a hurry. I got the message that you were being held captive and we left right away.”

“You’re fucking insane.”


They were walking back down the mountainside, Leon and Lancelot leading the way when Merlin suddenly froze. Arthur immediately went back on heightened alarm but Merlin only spun toward him, an incredulous expression on his face. “You kissed me.” He whispered fiercely so that Leon and Lance wouldn’t notice they stopped.

“Uh. Well.” Arthur began lamely. “It’s quite possible that I’ve been-well-harboring certain feelings towards-um-you for quite some time now and it’s-“

“You kissed me.”

“I-“ Arthur began but Merlin was all of a sudden much closer, which, seeing that Arthur was already supporting most of Merlin’s weight, meant that their noses were almost touching.

“Can you do it again?”

“Merlin-they’re right-“ The rest of his sentence was muffled as Merlin crashed their lips together. Arthur could feel him smiling and it made his chest soar. He pulled away quickly and sent his best attempt of a glare at him. “Not in front of the others.”

Merlin nearly shrugged, unable to keep a grin off his face and he pulled Arthur forward to catch up with the others.

If Lance and Leon noticed anything was different, they didn’t say anything the entire trip home. (Merlin secretly believed they were just being kind. He had taken to stealing kisses whenever no one was looking and was almost positive they had caught them at least once.)


His first day back, Merlin was forbidden to leave his bed. He was feeling much stronger now: he had rested the entire trip back. Will-who had moved in with Gaius and Merlin without asking anyone and was now running most of the errands for him-took it upon himself to make sure Merlin didn’t move. However, around lunch, he and Gwen traded places.

“Merlin, thank goodness you’re back. Arthur was beside himself with worry. He was taking it out on Will.” She said in greeting.
“What was he doing?”

“He kept trying to knight him and Will kept refusing.”

A laugh escaped his chest but then Gwen took his hands in hers, “Merlin, please, answer me truthfully, does Arthur know about your magic?”

“Yes, he does. He has for a while now actually.”

Gwen bit her lip and nodded, “Merlin, you know this changes nothing between us. You’re still one of my dearest friends.”
Merlin nodded but realization suddenly shone in his eyes, “Wait-you knew? When did you-Did Lance tell you?”

“No. I’ve had my suspicions. Somehow I’m not even surprised at how much braver you actually are. Brave and foolish. You should have been on the other side of the island. Not right under Uther’s nose!”

“Well to be fair, I didn’t know about his stance on magic until it was much, much too late. And-wait-”

“Lancelot told me. About Morgana as well.”

“I’m sorry.”

Gwen shook her head, there would be time for that later. “But you said Arthur’s known for a while now? But…there’s something different between the two of you.”

“He…might have…kissed me?”

Gwen’s eyes went wide and then she laughed and threw her arms around him. “It’s about time!”


“You two have been head over heels for each other for the longest time!”

“We’ve what?”

“Don’t play stupid.”

Merlin frowned at her and then decided to turn the tables. “Yeah well, what about you and Lance?” Gwen shifted uncomfortably on the bed and then changed the topic to how much Ganeida missed him. The triceratops had taken up residence at the foot of Merlin’s bed and was currently napping.


The next morning Merlin slipped out before Will and Ganeida were awake. He went straight to Arthur’s chambers and was surprised to see the man already awake. Arthur in turn, glared at him. “You should be in bed.”

“I’m going to go insane if I’m cooped up there any longer.”

“It was a day.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Anyway, Merlin. I spoke to the council and my uncle yesterday and I’ve arranged it so that you’re no longer my manservant.”

Merlin had something akin to panic in his eyes as he asked, “You’re letting me go?” A voice in Arthur’s head screamed no, never but he was aware how terribly girly that sounded so he settled on a perfectly acceptable smile and “Of course not, you idiot. They took you because you’re my manservant. Now you no longer have that target on your chest.” Merlin made several rude facial expressions that could have easily landed him in the stocks if Arthur hadn’t been so damn happy to have him back safe but Merlin smartly (and perhaps this should go down in the records as a first) kept his mouth shut.


“You’re being promoted actually. To court physician. I see nothing wrong with having two. And you’ll sit on the council as an advisor.” Merlin continued to gape at him and Arthur rolled his eyes. “Merlin, this is a good thing.”

“So…I don’t have to come and wake you up in the morning anymore?”


“And…I don’t have to deal with your clothes or you food or-“

“No, Merlin. Are you going to be alright? Did you enjoy doing my laundry?”

“I-do you know how long I’ve waited to escape you?” He finally said with a laugh. Arthur threw his pillow. Merlin caught it with magic and threw it right back at him. Arthur laughed in shock and the two threw pillows at each other until they both collapsed on the bed.

“I thought you had vanished like Morgana.”

“Nah, you couldn’t get rid of me that easily.”

Arthur laughed and added a good natured, “Unfortunately.” The two grinned at each other but eventually Arthur’s smile dropped off, “I am glad you’re safe.”

“You as well, when they started throwing magic around I thought you had finally met your match.”

“Good thing I have you then. I guess you eventually had to be good for something.”

Merlin made a tiny little noise of agreement and then leaned closer. “You mean other than this, right?” And his lips were on his collarbone. Arthur was unable to stop himself from moaning and blushed as he felt Merlin smirk against his skin. Arthur pulled him up so that he could kiss him properly.

He could have spent the entire morning lying there but there were things they had to do.

“We have a lead. We know there’s something in the Forbidden Mountains.”

“How are we supposed to figure out what it is?”

“Well, you’re an official adviser now. Get off to the library.”

“Technically Gaius says I should still be in bed.” Merlin immediately informed him.

“Oh, so now you’re going to listen to him? In that case I’ll head down and have some volumes sent to your chambers to read while on bed rest. Gaius will be there to help you figure out the big words.” Merlin scrunched up his nose and mockingly laughed. Arthur just raised his eyebrows and smiled before he left his chambers.

Merlin was alone in for an impressive two minutes before Arthur reappeared in the doorway. “You should probably come with me though. We can’t leave you unattended in case you feel faint again.”


Lance later found Arthur and Merlin arguing loudly in the library.

“Since when have you listened to anything I said?”

“I always listen. I just decide not to do what you say.”

Lance rolled his eyes. “Merlin, Gwen’s looking all over for you.”

“I’m saved.” Merlin sighed dramatically and avoided looking in Arthur’s direction. The blond stood atop a ladder with two scrolls already tucked under his arm.

Lance laughed, “You’re a nightmare.”

Arthur just looked affronted down at the two of them, “I never knocked a row of shelves over.”

“We were being chased by Morgana.” Lance instantly argued.

“Yeah, you were the one who threw her doll into the courtyard in the first place. We were framed. And to think, you’re the one ruling over us all.” Merlin sighed dramatically, as if the unfair fate of the island was something that plagued him constantly. “Now, if you excuse me, I believe Gwen is looking for me.”

“Not so fast-take some scrolls.”

“Arthur he’s on bed rest.”

“He’s more than able to carry a few scrolls, here, you take some as well. I should be getting back to work on trying to figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do about all of this.”

Merlin and Lancelot headed out the door with their arms laden with scrolls. Arthur shouted after them, “Don’t tell anyone-especially not Guinevere.”

“Yeah, alright!”


“I told you not to tell her.”

“She’s helping!”

“Do you want everyone to know about the war my father was raging against magic?”

“I’ve got it under control!” Merlin snapped and Arthur took a step back. He regarded him with a look of indifference for a long moment and then his face turned murderous.

“Merlin. What did you mean by that?”



“I’ve been saving your life!”

“It’s a wonder you haven’t gotten yourself killed!”

Gwen raised her eyebrows at the two of them but didn’t look away from what she was reading. Arthur sent her a worried look and then grabbed Merlin’s arm and hauled him into his bedroom. After he made sure the door was shut, he rounded on Merlin again. “I meant what I said back there. You’re important to me. I…care about you more than I’d like to admit most days.” If Arthur had wanted to continue the argument, he had royally screwed it up. His voice had lost its angry edge and Merlin was grinning.

“You’re important to me as well, that’s why I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe.”

“Then-don’t do anything stupid, alright? Because you won’t be able to protect me if I’m running into danger after you.”

Merlin shrugged and smiled down at him, “I can try.”

( part six)

fic: merlin, morgana/gwaine, arthur/merlin, kara/mordred, fic: all the ships, lancelot/gwen

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