Nov 15, 2006 03:08
Still haven't gotten the hang of this journal things is but I guess I'll put it to use since I already went through the trouble of getting one... even if it's a late start.
So this is university? Strangely quieter than I expected. No insane toga wearing students stumbling around, it's very peaceful and quiet... well if I don't count the part with me loosing my best friend in a crowd of towns people... Yeah I think I'll just disregard that bit of information. The people in the city are really nice actually, they don't turn up their nose and ignore you, they'll even stop and help you out when you need it. Thanks to this one guy I was able to find the school and through some amazing stroke of luck or best friend intuition I was able to find Riku.
All and all I finally got off the island. Never thought it would happen but it did and I'm here! Even if it is to face a life of ...research papers and math equations. No! Wont think about that. It's about being independent and self reliant! I am a little homesick but that'll pass. I am in college and on my own, the world is my play ground instead of some little island with tree forts.
Okay, no more journal practice for me, Riku's getting irked that I left him to do all the unpacking. Heh, guess some things never change no matter where you go.
not bad,