Jack Bauer yelling in multiple languages

Apr 25, 2010 22:36

I found the Japanese version of 24 a couple days ago, and it both amused and horrified me to such a point that I had to make a multilingual (also, I was bored shitless last weekend weekend, but thats beside the point). This is not like my Avatar multilingual, this actually switches between languages every few seconds so its kinda fun to watch. Hopefully.

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Passcode is "24".

Someone also put it up on their Renee Walker fansite here. The best thing about this is that he is actually hosting the video so if... okay, when Vimeo takes it down for TOS violation, it will be somewhere else. Awesome.

Also, I sort of transitioned from Facebook to Twitter recently. Creep at will.

tv: 24, multilanguage

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