(no subject)

Jun 11, 2006 01:43

so right now i have this really familiar feeling..

like that of a school boy who hasnt been doing his homework for the past 129074901571 months.. im sure some of you can relate.. haha

seriously i've been slacking of this journal of mine. and yes the world cup kicked off yesterday.

anyway earlier today did some trail riding up in antipolo and it was a hell of ride.
we left the house around 530 this morning and went up C5 then up to Marcos highway and then met up with dad's friends in shell. a couple of minutes waiting and we were off. im not sure where we went through exactly but it was a hell of a ride going up the mountain. cool landscape and there was some point where we were up about 2000+ft and yes my friends,literally up in the clouds. seriously the clouds were about 10meters away. anyway about 20minutes of more road riding the freakin road disappeared and yes the sand and loose gravel kicked in. its pretty cool riding in loose gravel doing 60kph on 2 wheels, the difference is if you brake too much on the gravel your tires begin to slip and then you lose traction and then if you dont know how to do it you'll just end up lying down on the ground.
after that another 30minutes of it the road kicked in and the scenery started turning into this old town. we had breakfast in the gas station which was somewhat delapidated.

after the quick meal we drove further down the road and yes more trail riding and about an hour more of it. had a quick meal in some shanty where they somewhat catch fresh water cray fish and it was probably the first time i've tasted sweet shrimp hehehe. on the way back from the shanty i took the lead and ripped through the non existent road at around 70+kph till i didnt notice that hte people behind me were gone. so i hastily ran back to check up on them till i found my dad and he told me that one of hte people we were with fell and they had to patch him up, good thing nothing serious just some cosmetic scratches on the bike and a couple of abrasions on his knee and elbow. and well i guess you can say we had lady luck with us on this trip because the person behind us suddenly got a flat so they had to regroup and help each other out.

so dad and i decided to go ahead and wait for them in the station which was probably another 30minutes down the road till suddenly dad's bike ran out of petrol so i had to somewhat make a run to the next town which was 10minutes down the trail and so i bought 2 liters of probably the crued-est(sp?) petrol and went back to rescue dad. oh yah BTW on the way back we met up with these dirt racers who were really tearing up the road i mean he was doing a corner at around 80kph and just fish tailing through it.. it was insane i tell you.. and this guy was around his mid 50's and he was spinning and wheeling his bike like it was no body's business. anyway got back to the shell station pumped in a full tank of gas and waited for the rest to arrive. that when we got into a conversation with the guy who fell. so we waited until 2pm for the rest of the group to arrive but to no avail so we went back to help but on our way back we saw someone wasnt sure who from the group to say that they were ok already.

so dad and i went ahead and headed straight for home. and arrived at this freakin comfy seat infront of my PC, which i really swear i thought was really uncomfy, at around 5pm.

i guess you can call it beginners luck. but around 200+ kilometers of riding, roughly 12 hours of ride time, and around 2 full tanks of petrol i am here sitting in front of this PC in one piece with out a scratch.

i'll try and write more tomorrow but the fatigue is somewhat settling in. till then peace out to everyone
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