more D&D stuff

Oct 20, 2012 00:03

catastrophic damage

confirmed critical hit damage is max damage for first Dmg roll then rolled as normal for the multiplier.

Any time a player rolls max damage there is a chance of causing catastrophic damage. one must confirm the hit like a critical hit. if confirmed, roll hit location and consult chart below. this chart is also used if you roll a critical hit weather it is confirmed or not.

Head: Sicked for 1D4 rounds and Bleed 1hp for each round sicked.

Chest: Fatigued for 1D4 rounds. Plus - 2 to any athletic skill check until a successful DC 15 heal check.

Arms: -2 penalty to Att + Dmg, Ability checks and Skill checks while using the wounded arm until a successful DC 15 heal check.

Hand: Same as arm but drops anything held in wounded hand.

Legs: Lowers targets speed by 10 feet (min 5') for 1D6 rounds and -2 to any athletic skill check until a successful DC 15 heal check.

Foot: Same as leg but knocks target prone.

Vitals: Target is sickened for 1D4 rounds and can not run or charge.

Called Shots

as listed but change Critical Called Shot to Called Shot and Debilitating Blow to Critical Called Shot.


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