This evening.

Sep 02, 2004 20:04

Well I was bored in Haunted Palace so I wondered if NIM was on but he wasn't but azure ray was on. She's really cool. I never really knew her but then all of the sudden I let her know how I felt about marina, my life, what I look like..and by the end of saying all that I just realized I hardly even knew her. I didn't even have her aim sn or name.. Well I hope to talk to her a lot more often. I am planning to starve myself from food tommorow to see how long I can go..Hopefully longer than a day. Maybe i'll ask nathan and matt if they want to do more of the running around thing this weekend. My aunt came over and we were watching Just for laughs gags and killing ourselves laughing. Then my aunt wanted to measure how tall I was..of course she made it up saying I was like 6'9 or some shit like that which was obviously not true. We saw another mouse and I put a trap down..hopefully it will get caught. I am thinking about burning a shit load of my cd's to dvd and leaving them in my dvd drives to get a bigger playlist which will be cool. I still need space though..Maybe I will get rid of splinter cell 2 and some other files I don't need anymore. I found out that people actually think I look about 5-20 years older than I really am. Makes me feel really old now. Maybe I should shave my moustache. I need to shave the rest of my face anyways. My aunt thinks that I am going to sneak down stairs after she's gone to bed to watch Sex TV. Sex TV sucks I say and she just tells me i'm full of shit. I haven't looked at porn in ages anyways. No point in starting now. In the past few days the only person that has im'd me is Meg. Maybe I am just THAT boring. Or nobody cares anymore. Either or doesn't matter I suppose. As they say it will only get worse.. I am not sure how much worse it can actually get...
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