1. Where does Ryanoshi go when he signs off?
Song: "The Nastalgia Factory"- Porcupine Tree
Comment: Thaaaaaaat's about right.
2. What will Mewd end up doing with his existence?
Song: "Triangle"- Dredg
Comment: Mewd is going to spend his entire life focusing deep within his subconcious, trying his hardest, to become a triangle.
3. What flavor gum is Cherri chewing RIGHT NOW?
Song: "Another World"- Gackt
Comment: Well it's not cherry. Not grape, no. Hmm...
4. What's Momo going to do this weekend?
Song: "Where All Good Sleep"- Evergrey
5. When you see Torte, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Song: "The Sky Moves Sideways Phase 2"- Porcupine Tree
Comment: I think about those mind altering drugs he keeps in a dish by the phone in his hallway. Take a few, the sky will move sideways!
6. What will happen to Siro on his vacation?
Song: "Stop Swimming"- Porcupine Tree
Comment: He's NOT going to swim.
7. Will Wilco EVER make it to the states?
Song: "Three Minute Warning: Part 3"- Liquid Tension Experiment
Comment: He will, if he can escape the space station he stowed away on before it explodes.
8. What is Pimmy's biggest secret?
Song: "Micro Cuts"- Muse
Comment: SHE CUTS HERSELF. Very small cuts, but cuts no less.
9. Why is Zim so... Zim?
Song: "As I Am"- Dream Theater
Comment: Haha. He's so Zim because he's Zim.
10. Is Homie G really a gangster?
Song: "Woodland Hunter: Part 2"- The Appleseed Cast
Comment: Heavens no. He's a woodland hunter.
Song: "Chemistry"- Rush
Comment: Ludwiggy's gonna be in his lab one day, mixin' things he ain't s'post, and he gon die.
12. What is the best thing about Blue Boo?
Song: "Pitiless"- Anathema
Comment: He has no pity. Because all pity in the world goes towards him! Ha! Haha!
13. What does ProZD even stand for?!
Song: "Prepare Yourself"- Porcupine Tree
Comment: It stands for PRepare yOurself. Zis guy is Dumb.
14. When/where's the last time Wooster did some cleaning?
Song: "Make Me Move"- Jadis
Comment: Just this morning. I was watching TV on the couch and he made me MOVE my feet so he could vacuum underneeth.
15. What's Panzer's greatest flaw? (As there are many.)
Song: "Museum of Idiots"- They Might Be Giants
Comment: Uh... well... I... and... shut up
16. Is the Roadtrip of Summer '07 really going to happen?
Song: "Water"- Pain of Salvation
Comment: Nope. We're gonna have a Jet Ski trip instead.