May 17, 2008 18:26
How many times have I mentioned that I only post here (at least, for the past several entries) when I'm particularly upset? I don't know. This could be the first, because I never go back to reread ~ Err. Correction. Rarely go back to reread this nonsense.
Frustrated. At this stupid game. It's the only stupid game I'm willing to play right now, but even it is losing appeal. Why? Partly, I'm no good at it. Worthless. Dead weight. No matter what I do, I'm not good enough. I play the druid, I bring "versatility". What is that? It's DPS slightly above that of a shadow priest, an occasional innervate or battle rez, and a crit boost to the group. Yippee frikkin' doo. I play a warrior, what do I bring? 150 less DPS than the calculator says I'm capable of. 150. Is not small. I average 900, 920 in a good raid, with the buffs available. With those same buffs, I should make 1050. But I don't. Because I'm horrid. A waste of space.
Yeah, whatever. Emo rant about a game. A frikkin' game, that shouldn't bother me half so much. But it does, and that bothers me, too.
And I can't get any decent roleplay going. Why? BECAUSE OF THOSE BLOODY, SNOOTY ELVES AND THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THEM THINKING THEY'RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE THEY'RE PRETTY. Each and every bloody one of them. At least I don't have to put up with as much of that nonsense on the Alliance. And THAT really bothers me. That I'm slightly favoring the Alliance at this point. The faction I've hated so long, because of the elves, the gnomes, because of what humans represent to me, because of Blizzard's blatant favoritism toward them. "But Horde has better pvp racials!" That's total crap. Perception. I can't count the times my warriors have wished they had escape artist. How often has my rogue wanted stone form? How amazing is cannibalize versus a free heal, or 5% intellect, or 10% spirit? War stomp? Hah. Shadowmeld. They don't have to take talents to be nearly impossible to see. Well, impossible for anyone who isn't *gasp* A HUMAN. WITH PERCEPTION. And they can TAKE THE TALENTS ANYWAY, and be borderline invisible. And their racials aren't bad in PvE, either. A human has 10% spirit more than anyone with identical gear. Their mages and priests are that much more potent because of it. They have additional expertise with swords and maces, the most common of DPS weapons for warriors, and swords one of the two only viable varieties in pve for rogues. And that's just humans. Night elves? 1% dodge is great for tanks, be they warriors or druids. Wisp form, often overlooked, provides faster wipe recovery. Not to mention one of their racial priest spells is actually worthwhile, especially for, say, discipline priests. Dwarves. Stoneform is great. Not the best, true, but there are plenty of bosses with bleed effects out there (Moroes, Nalorakk, etc), and anything to mitigate that is good. Gnomes? Their intellect puts their casters that much higher than anyone else's. Bosses with damaging root effects (i.e. Rage Winterchill) are made simpler by escape artist. Draenei? Free heals that are affected by +healing, not to mention those wonderful auras. Their priests have arguably the best racial spell in the game. (Oh, and they're dead sexy, to put it crudely.)
Horde races... Well, let's take it from a class approach this time. Let's see if you notice a theme.
Warriors ~ Orcs get three nice racials, true, but axe specialization is subpar when you realize just how few one-handed axes are available. Stun resist is nice for anyone, and the blood fury thing is good for DPSing. Tauren? Their health boost is nice for tanking, but war stomp is useless in a raid. Don't even start me on how much of a pain it is to see what you're doing when you're that huge, too. Berserking on trolls is pointless when you're not taking any real damage, and undead? DPS warriors are already half immune to fear anyway.
Paladins ~ Hah. Blood Elves. Arcane Torrent, when it isn't resisted, provides piddly mana.
Shamans ~ Orcs are good. Tauren? Health doesn't make that huge a difference to DPSers/healers. War stomp? Everything's bloody immune. Trolls? Not taking damage, berserking's still lame.
Hunters ~ Orcs are good. Extra pet damage, and the blood fury thing. Tauren? Laughable. Troll? Berserking issue again. Blood elf? See above comments about arcane torrent.
Druids ~ Health. Woo. Good for tanking, but that's it.
Rogues ~ Orcs... are good with their racial, and stun resist (AoE stun mobs, yay.) Trolls? See earlier comments about berserking. Blood elves? This is the only time arcane torrent isn't a joke. Undead? Meh. Fear prevention doesn't get THAT much use.
Warlocks ~ Oh, wow. More of orcs being the only worthwhile one.
Mages ~ Trolls, because even berserking is better than arcane torrent or cannibalize/wotf.
Priests ~ Our racial spells suck. I mean SUCK. Touch of weakness? Hex of weakness (lulz aimed shot)? Devouring plague on a 3 minute timer? Consume magic or whatever it is BElves have? Horrid. Shadowguard? Good while leveling, I guess... Compare these to chastise (root/damage), starshards (extra SW:P), whatever that draenei group pseudo-innervate is, desperate prayer in pvp... Yeah. Horde gets the shaft.
But, but, Horde has BElves!
Oh, wait, they're useless as a race, men have idiotic hair, women have horrid sounds, their cities, gear, etc. are ridiculously gaudy... Blizzard mutilated them, stripping them of the status of desperate refugees that we could take pity on, making them malicious, cruel, downright evil. One of the few races I liked in WC III, torn down. Not to mention how many ex-Alliance people play the race because they're 'pretty'. Yeah. A twig with a mean face is pretty... sure. Whatever. Give me human or draenei women any day. Hell, I'd rather have an orcish or troll woman. At least they won't break.
Yeah, I'm grumpy. I have other reasons, too, but meh. I think I'ma go and delete some of the more sensitive journal entries.