Jun 12, 2005 19:16
WOW. Where to begin? Maybe with the fact that I had the BEST birthday EVER, and one of the BEST weekends of my entire life!!!
Let's start with Wednesday night...
Picture this: I'm getting ready to go out and my phone rings. I answer it. It's Erin Kelly asking me what I plan on doing for the night. I tell her. I hear a knock on the door. IT'S HER!!!! She is back from Kentucky and surprised the HELL outta me! Apparently Sarah (and EVERYONE) has been doing an amazing job keeping that from me. I was in such a good mood!
-Went to the Cabin, started drinking at midnight after my girls sang happy birthday to me in front of everyone!!!
-I go up to the bar for my first b-day drinks... old man gives me $40! ($20 for a round and $20 to tip... regardless = SHOTS!!!) Pays to be nice to weird pedophile-looking guys!
-Shot #1: Slippery Nipple with Erin Kelly
-Shot #2: Jager Bomb some one of Cardy's friends bought me
-B-day long island
-Shot #3: Red-Headed Slut with my red-headed Lyndsey!!! :)
-Shot #4: Green Apple Pucker Fucker
-Lyndsey, Justin, Jackie and I go to BW's for karaoke, see J-Vann, then get a Jamaican ten-speed and a Sex on the Beach. YUM!
Surprisingly I wasn't too terribly drunk, but then again, I only drank for 2 hours! Regardless it was a blast!
Thusday: Took the day off of work (as well as Friday)
-Erin and Sarah and I went to Subway and got my b-day sub then I made my first store alcohol purchase: a 30 pack of Busch Light (hell yeah) and a pint of hot damn.
-Flowers #1, light pink roses, delivered from the rents
-Flowers #2, gerbera daises, delivered from Jason
-We lay out and drink for awhile... I'm buzzed when I finally shower
-Jason comes up after work and I get my awesome presents from him!!!!
-Meredith comes up for the night :) She made me an AWESOME 21st b-day mix
-Go out to din-din at Las... BEST buger of my life... or maybe that was the alcohol talking
-Pistons lose... but their score is 69 in honor of my day! ;)
-WAYSIDE time! Good times dancing with friends... I'm drunk, happy, in love and thankful to have wonderful friends!!!
-John J. buys me a "blue motorcyle" f's me WAY up... I'm still drunk when I wake up at 8 am.
After a long day of sleeping in, I finally get up, eat some food and prepare to do it all over again. I go home, and go out with majority of the Howell crew. It was soooo awesome to see the Erin's, Lindsey, Alan, Mere and Leigh all in one spot. Meghan K. and Brandon even came. I was in heaven to be surrounded by all the people I miss so much when I am up here. It was nice having Jason there too, and I really think my friends liked him.
Jason and I went to Kensington and laid out and swam and then went to the petting farm, then we went out to dinner with the fam. A lazy night, I crash early, but it was def needed....
All in all, it was one of the most fun times I can ever remember. Sarah and Erin, you girls def know how to make a gal feel special and I thanked God so much in Church today for the two of you. I am so blessed. Thanks to all you others too. Thanks for all the calls, the emails, the facebook messages, I REALLY do appreciate it! I love all my friends, and I look forward to the next time I get to see you all again!!!
P.S. Shlee, I miss you so much!!! I knew you would have loved to be around this weekend, but alas, we will have to celebrate some other time soon!