Looking for a Naruto to my Gaara

Jul 06, 2012 16:47

Name: Panur / Yuta
MSN/AIM/YIM: YIM, msn, skype… I do not play over e-mail or aim.
YIM: yotafura@yahoo.com.ar
Availability: most days, with the general exception of Tuesdays and Thursdays.
What you RP: looking for Naruto right now.

Characters you RP: Gaara
Characters you are looking to interact with: Naruto
Rated play: from T to R- N17

Any specific storyline ideas, or general feelings involved with RPing: yes, as a matter of fact. I was rereading an old (2009) rp… It was pre!shippouden Gaara, and I fell all over again over his personality. This Gaara is pretty childish/selfish and demanding, so if you want the GodKage he has grown to be right now, I don’t think I can deliver atm, since I’m looking for someone to enable me to play this specific scenario.

Story goes right after chuunin exams, with Naruto being handled over to Suna for one reason or another. Prolly to be heavy on the angst and fluff

Do you smut: yep, just please be over 17, I’d feel icky otherwise.

Is there anything else you would like to add?: This is planned to be a long rp, since obviously Garaa isn’t going to figure out what he feels for Naru at age 13. I only play paragraph-type, third person, past tense, hope that doesn’t turn anyone off.

I’m open to any questions, just please remember- if you are gonna contact me over rping, please say so in the request, I get a lot of spam daily, so I generally turns requests off.

roleplay, rp

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