Well... i've decided to finally give this journal personal usage.

Mar 24, 2008 20:46

Not expecting much, considering the very, VEEEEERY few friends I have on LJ, but meh, sounded like fun~

1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search or other search functions.

1: "For my will is as strong as yours, my kingdom as great... Damn. I can never remember that line. " caught by darkranger

2: "When single shines the triple sun/What was sundered and undone/Shall be whole, the two made one/By gelfling hand or else by none." caught by Mistresskida

3: "This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your Queen! " foudn by electroscalpel

4: "It's go go, not cry cry. " caught by litian

5: "I'm saying this, with love compassion and the spirit of true sisterhood... you are full of SHIT!" caught by mistresskida

6: "But you don't want me. I'm surprised. Thorough fellow like yourself. Why stop at one sister when you could have fucked them both?" caught by litian

7: "It's that child, my Lord. She's created absolute havoc here. I've tried to control her. She must be sent away, my Lord. She'll kill Master Colin... for sure." caught by lectawindwalker

8: "P-p-please, Eddie! Don't throw me out. Don't you realize you're making a big mistake? I didn't kill anybody. I swear! The whole thing's a set up. A scam, a frame job. Ow! Eddie, I could never hurt anybody. Oow! My whole purpose in life is to make... people... laugh! " caught by darkranger

9: "Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself. It always ends bad. " caught by appleholic

10: "But you can still count! Look, it's easy. Look at my fingers: four stones, four crates. Zero stones? ZERO CRATES!" caught by darkranger
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