Suddenly Eurobeat

Sep 25, 2007 14:16

Okay yeah, I suddenly had the doorbell ringing and I was thinking it'd be some Jehova's wittness trying to sell up Guard tower (or such) but turned out that it was actually the postman who had my new SEB, which I am still slightly surprised considering cdjapan doesn't even say that my order would have been processed... Well I don't really got anything to complain ^^

Album itself isn't really that much of a thrill ride in terms of quality, but there's that one thing... Gas Gas Gas, simply stunning. One of the most addictive tracks in the recent past. Definitely another high light for GGM. And since I had to fight ages with my stupid computer before it would even let me to rip the CD I'll upload a few bits:

Manuel - Gas Gas Gas
Go 2 & Christine - Blood On Fire
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