Well that was a fun two hours. xD
The request list has been cleaned, except for layouts that I plan to try to do.
So some announcements:
I do them once, and only once.
- I need a partner in crime. =D
Send an email to evybay.@gmail.com (without .) with the following application:
1) Why do you want to help me~?
2) Are you:
- Willing to give credit to the community instead of yourself?
- an expierenced icon maker?
- going to spread the template around?
- on crack?
3) Do you have PSP 7 and Animation Shop 3?
4) 3 examples of previous work. (Preferably a banner, an icon, and a layout.)
- This community is now open for anyone to post. Spam, useless-ness, and idiocy will be deleted. No acting like a /b/tard, you guys. ♥
- EDIT: Oh yeah, tommorrows's my birthday~! xD
If accepted, you will recieve the template for the pantsu and you can go crazy, but because of how protective I am over that thing, send it around and you're fired and flamed to hell.
mixedupnyxfiles OR PERISH.
(As long as you like to roleplay, that is. ♥)