i had a dream that stacy keach was teaching me to be a fighter. then i was in some sort of italian village, (or rather; i knew it was an italian village, but everything was very adobe like. i don't know if they have that in italy.) and some guy in a very Cosby sweater squirted grappa from his wineskin on a really geeky looking peasant. and i got all uppity and started beating him up for being an asshole. i kicked his ass pretty handily then ian mcshane showed up as my teacher. he had apparently replaced stacy keach. well ian mcshane holds down this guy's upper body and tells me to break his ankle. so i grab an ankle and start pulling and twisting and it's taking awhile, and i don't really want to do it. so ian mcshane keeps calling me a pussy and so on trying to egg me on to do it. well finally i can feel the ankle is right at the tipping point, and i quit and say, "i can't do it. i can't do that." and i wake up.
it was pretty awesome to have that kind of recollection. normally i do not. normally my dreams occur in one of 4 setting all in the same city. my dreams now act kind of like a video game. often times mimicking the style of the game i'm currently playing. (GTA, Bioshock, currently Fable 2) seriously. i can pause my dream and look at a map. or equip something i did not have earlier in the dream. i also recently taught myself to fly in a dream. i don't use that power as often as i should.
also, i recently got engaged to holly. we are very happy.
my puppy jackson says hello.