Well, kids. Tomorrow I have my second interview of the summer. The first was for the Census and I was hired as an operator, but turned it down for numerous reasons, low pay = not worth it, being one of them.
But now we are all sheer desperadoes and could use the cash after Pants took basically two weeks of vacation and then Shuswap-a-palooza.
I'm applying for part-time jobs, and plan to volunteer in archives, etc, with my spare time.
The job is in the nearby crazy mall (see:
http://pantsandthecity.livejournal.com/2005/12/09/ - Shoes, would you please tell me how to do that hyper-link thingy or whatever it's called? Sheesh, I'm such an amateur).
Anyway, it is at a kids clothing store. Why did I apply for this? I wanted to be out of retail, right? Well...part of the reason is that I knew I could get the job, another part is that it's really close to us, and selling kids clothes can't be that hard once you get the whole sizing/growing thing - I mean, they need new clothes all the time. And, as Shoes points out, it would be fun to hang out around small jeans and shoes, not to mention the buttons that wear them. And I won't have to wear their clothes (presumably). But the main reason I applied is that I thought it might make my biological clock slow the fuck down. I want a baby but we can't have babies yet and we shouldn't have babies yet. If I work here, I may a) get my fill of kids and realise that "not me, not now" really does make sense or b) become severely annoyed with or totally terrified by children and thei annoying parents or - and I really hope not - c )speed the clock up, which would be no good. But I'm sure c won't happen.
But what's a good wage to get these days in job-Festival City? I mean, it's part-time retail. But I could probs get part-time office stuff for $12-$13 an hour or more. So if they offer me less than $12, is it uncouth to turn it down, even if we could use the cash? I would hate to ditch them for something better right after I start. So if they offer me less than that, and I know I'll keep looking, I should say no, right?
Oh, and I have a cold. Pity me - particularly my plugged left nostril. It is sad.