Title: Quarantine Summary: "We don't have your stupid Pegasus Galaxy chicken pox!" Rating: PG (pants on, but happy touching) Thanks: To gritkitty for beta. Notes: Written for the splendiferous Punk, who made March a happy month indeed.
"I can be quiet," Rodney said, and when he buried his face in John's neck, it was John who made the noise.
*explodes with awwww* I cannot pick which of them is cuter here. Rodney with his "Ha, I knew it!", and John playing with straw and pretending not to be distracted by Rodney. Just - awwww.
He sat on the far end of Rodney's cot and tried stretching his legs out to rest on the other cot, then discovered that the hut's wall wouldn't support his weight.
Hee! John nearly broke out of quarantine on accident. And Rodney saying he can be quiet, and then John making the noise. Mmmm. That was just the quarantine fic I wanted. Thank you!
In my watching of newly acquired season 2 DVDs, I got to "Condemned", where John tries to be cool like Teyla and break a stick over his leg, and only succeeds in hurting himself. *hearts Oddball!John*
Comments 28
Elizabeth: "Carson says you should be ready to come back to work--"
Rodney: "No, sick! Still very sick!"
*explodes with awwww* I cannot pick which of them is cuter here. Rodney with his "Ha, I knew it!", and John playing with straw and pretending not to be distracted by Rodney. Just - awwww.
Hee! John nearly broke out of quarantine on accident. And Rodney saying he can be quiet, and then John making the noise. Mmmm. That was just the quarantine fic I wanted. Thank you!
I'm so glad you liked it!
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