Broken Barbie

Apr 17, 2008 22:48

Title: Broken Barbie.
Fandom: Scrubs.
Characters: Elliot/OC.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 498.
Spoilers: None, it's AU.
Summary: She'd bumped into him, sending his books and papers as well as the two of them to the ground, and despite the fact that she kept apologizing profusely, he laughed it off and asked for her number.
Author's Note/Disclaimer: I own nothing. It's my first Scrubs fic. Not sure if I have the characters down well enough to do something real with them, but I thought this was a cute idea. Gave us a piece of Elliot Reid history, too.

Elliot was engaged once. She doesn't talk about it, because it ended up being such a mess, but she was. When she was about 18, just fresh out of high school, she met a med student at the college she wanted so desperately to go to. (Not the one she ended up going to, however; she was accepted, but seeing Brian was too hard for her to deal with.) She'd gone there to look around the campus, her father right next to her, her mother at some salon deciding which shade of blonde matched her hair seamlessly so she could get her roots done again.

She'd bumped into him, sending his books and papers as well as the two of them to the ground, and despite the fact that she kept apologizing profusely, he laughed it off and asked for her number. Explaining that she was from out of town, she didn't have a phone number there, he told her that he lived not too far from the town she did. They could get together when he went home over break.

She was head over heels for him after the first week they together, and by the end of that summer, she had a diamond on her finger and an acceptance letter to that same college. Their lives were planned out, and her parents adored him; he was smart, rich, going to become a doctor. He flirted just enough with her mom to make her feel like the prettiest girl, even though Elliot knew he thought differently, and complimented her father enough that he looked the other way when he walked in on them making out on the couch. Sure, she was young, but her parents didn't care; the soon-to-be-doctor thing held more importance.

So when Elliot came home the weekend before she was supposed to move to her new dorms, crying and screaming and talking about how horrible Brian was, her parents didn't understand. She explained that he'd been fooling around with another blonde idiot that he'd picked up on the side of the road, had said that he needed some independence before they got married and, "Would you mind?" Her parents didn't hear her, though, and pushed the idea of the wedding back into her head.

Elliot got out. She declined the acceptance to Brian's college and chose another route, one that she didn't want as desperately, but she refused to spend her med school years locked away, crying because he was such an asshole. She let her insecurities get the best of her after that, going on dates and, time and time again, screwing them up just so she had proof. She couldn't admit that that's what was wrong, that that was the reason she couldn't keep a guy around, but it was. She hated it, and hated herself more for it, so she threw herself into her work. Work, after all, could never leave her; doctors were always needed. Girlfriends, she found out, weren't.

(fanfic) length: oneshot, (fanfic) comm: varietypack100, tv: scrubs

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