Title: Into Paralyzing Silence.
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Characters: Angel/Buffy, Angelus/Buffy.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 481.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: She breaks the table and he doesn't even flinch.
Author's Note: AU for Graduation Day Part 2. Title from Flyleaf's "Sorrow."
Into Paralyzing Silence )
It turned out great! And made me smile.. which is kind of odd, maybe. xD
I love the last line for some reason. And:
He lifts his wrist to his mouth and bites down, frowning when his blood mixes with the taste of the slayer, threatens to wash it away; he wants to taste her for days.
oh, and thanks for writing it! :D ♥
I think Angelus would be completely fascinated with the blood of a slayer, especially from one that he was so connected to before losing his soul. Sadly, this was something Joss never tested.
You're welcome! I'm really glad you liked it. :D
I'm sure he would. It wouldn't be a surprise if he kept her around just to have her blood. Amongst.. other things, I guess. Depending on the day.
Yes, because Joss gave Spike the storyline of killing slayers. -grumble-
Anything Buffy/Angelus is difficult not to like/love. ;)
How far are you?
Anyway. Can't wait till you write more. :D
Thanks. :D
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