Title: Pathetic (Someone Else's Eyes IX)
Fandom: Twilight.
Characters: Edward/Jacob.
Rating: PG-13..
Word Count: 285.
Spoilers: Um. We'll say the whole series, I suppose.
Summary: Do it, he thinks, kill me so we can be done with this, so my family can get rid of you bloodsuckers once and for all.
Author's Note/Disclaimer: I own nothing! This was written for the
twilight uncanon drabble request meme at
pinkceptional. Someone Else's Eyes is now my title for all Twilight drabbles, kind of like
Statues is over at
His cold fingers close around the wolf's throat, gripping and digging, and the wolf's thoughts mock him. It's dark, and their eyes reflect what light shines on them from the moon, flashes of anger meeting flashes of fury. Do it, he thinks, kill me so we can be done with this, so my family can get rid of you bloodsuckers once and for all. Edward's scowl is deep, large and he digs his fingers deeper. Claws dig into his stone skin, breaking it, before he finally throws Jacob to the ground.
His teeth grind together as he tries to gain control of his temper, the blood-lust that he'd buried long ago flaring up with more power than he'd ever expected. This was the boy who held half of Bella's heart, and in Edward's mind, he deserves death. But not by his hand.
"You're pathetic," Jacob spits and the voice is so similar to his thoughts that Edward doesn't turn around right away. When he does, his eyes fall on a practically naked almost-man, panting with exhaustion and anger.
"I'm pathetic?" he growls and his hand is around Jacob's throat again, the grip much better now that it's a human's size. Werewolf he reminds himself. "You're the one in love with a girl you could never have."
Jacob growls then, finally fighting back. It's punches and kicking, bone crunching against stone, fire against ice and Edward's got Jacob pinned to the ground.
Hate, fury, turns to something else. His hands grip Jacob's wrists, pinning them to the dirt and he leans down quickly before the other has time to respond. The kiss is hard, rough, angry and he isn't too surprised when he feels a response.