Apples and Oranges

Jul 02, 2008 18:39

Title: Apples and Oranges.
Fandom: House.
Characters: Greg House/James Wilson, with mentions of Lisa Cuddy and Amber.
Rating: PG-13, for slight drug references and an eating disorder.
Word Count: 314.
Spoilers: A slight spoiler for the season four finale.
Summary: The difference is, I'm not dumb enough to think that I don't need food.
Author's Note/Disclaimer: This was written for
oni_ishtar, who wanted House/Wilson with eating disorder!Wilson, who's struggling to recover.

"You're an addict," Wilson said, pushing the plate away. "What's the difference?"

House looked at the plate, the food that had barely been touched, then looked back at Wilson. "The difference is, I'm not dumb enough to think that I don't need food. I'm not slowly killing myself," he said, his voice rising towards the end of the sentence. He'd been watching Wilson for the eight months, noticing how he'd started eating less and less and then, eventually, nothing. Cuddy had picked up on it, too, and they decided intervention was needed.

They didn't agree on how to do it, though; Cuddy wanted the soft, gentle, We care approach while House... He went with the brash, Suck it up and deal with it approach. Maybe it was part guilt (the disorder hadn't appeared until after Amber's funeral), but he liked to believe that he just didn't want to watch his friend literally waste away.

"You're killing yourself," Wilson said, crossing his frail arms over his chest. He was smaller now, had lost a lot of his bulk, and it pained House. Not that he'd ever admit it to anyone, except maybe Wilson.

"I'm not succeeding, though," he said. Using his cane, he pushed the plate back towards Wilson. His friend stared at the plate for a good ten minutes, both of the men falling silent, before he finally reached out and picked up a small piece of carrot. "Eat half of it and I'll let you out to play," House said sarcastically. "But no playing hide and seek so you can go visit the Porcelain God."

Wilson scowled at House, the intensity of the threat lessened by how sick he looked, and took a small bite of carrot. House leaned back to watch, not caring how long it took; he would bring Wilson back, even if it was the last thing he ever did.

tv: house, pairing: house: house/wilson, rating: pg-13, (fanfic) length: oneshot, !requests, (fanfic)

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