Dec 18, 2006 16:58
wow, school is over, finals are done now 3 weeks in dearborn with my family and my man then one more semester then i'm a graduate! wow the past 4 years flew by!
so yea i think i did well in my classes, have most of my christmas shopping done! john and i are losers and we already exchanged gifts but we knew what we were getting! i FINALLY have a cute RED iPod nano!!!! and he has a black nintendo DS lite :-)
it's so nice to be home and to be able to spend time with him....i miss him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much when i'm at school!!!
excited to see Spamalot tuesday with my family! since john had a final i'm taking Mr.Bradley it should be awesome.....
glad to have a break from my awful's not that she isn't nice or doesn't help out with stuff....she just irritates the shit outta me!! she doesn't think with her head, she lacks common sense and she is ditsy.......i donno....maybe it's me, but then again my other roommates agree.....oh well only 4 more months with her.....
so Happy Holidays everyone and i hope to see you all over x-mas break! i go back the 7th of January...
peace out
love you johnny :-)