Today was another cooking day. We stopped at the local fish market and picked up some tasty looking Mahi Mahi. We decided to make
Lamu Style Mahi Mahi with
black beans on the side, and a handful of raw spinach to go with for dinner. Glen and I went to the beach to catch some rays this afternoon as well, so I felt like a real Floridian eating lime flavored fish and reading at the beach all in one day.
For dessert, we had these 135 calorie cupcakes!
Devil's food with Cream Cheese frosting. As you can see from the pic, Glen loved em!
In other news, I worked out with a
virtual trainer named Maya, and it went quite well. It's also nice that you can yell to your virtual personal trainer and she won't get mad and beat you up.
The bummer of the day was learning our bikes had been stolen from our tiny back yard. We don't have a clue who did it, it could be our neighbors for all we know. I don't feel happy about that. More from the feeling violated part than the losing my bike which I had only ridden once part. :(
I don't want to end on a bad note so I'll also add that one of my best friends is recently engaged (yay!) and my ex-boss has new triplets!